Creating a Plane

One of the easiest ways to make a “playing field” for your game is to create a plane. A plane is an endless surface that continues on and on into infinity. The biggest advantage of a plane is that it goes on forever, so there is no chance that your players will fall off the edge of the playing surface. This is a great alternative to creating a terrain.

Creating a plane is quite simple; it can be made as easily as any shape. Planes act much like shapes in that they can be colored or textured. In the following example, we’ll add a plane to an empty program.

Start by entering the following code into Blitz3D. Once you have entered the code, save it with a new name.

Graphics3D 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; Create camera
PositionEntity camera,0,1,0; Creating a light
; Creating a plane
; The following code makes our program run
While Not KeyDown( 1 )

The name of the plane we created in this example is “myplane,” but we could have called it anything. The actual code that creates the plane is CreatePlane().

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