500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
ake your expectations clear from the outset.
If you sense that you have a reluctant learner in the class, begin the class in the usual way.
Describe the course and explain the course objectives. Then segue into the ways participants can
optimize the learning experience. Reveal your experience with reluctant learners in a non-
obvious fashion. For example, “I know some of you would rather be at work than in class. Such
a preference is a tribute to your conscientious nature. You care about your job and you want to
keep current with your work responsibilities. I applaud that. However . . .”
You could then point out that an authority higher than either you or them has decided they
should be present today. Explain that they are bound to learn at least one thing that will make
their jobs and/or their lives easier. If you are a corporate trainer, suggest that they deserve time
away from the job to think and to explore new ideas.
Can you imagine a scenario in which a person could be seriously injured by
Answer: If the tomatoes are in cans, the injury could be severe.
oint out that your job is to teach.
And their job is to learn. It’s as simple as that. Questions of personality, preferences, usefulness,
relevance, and so on all fall by the wayside in light of these two roles: teacher and learner.
Explain that you will do your best to teach, and you hope that they, in turn, will do their best
to learn.
Ready for more vocabulary matches? Can you finish the following in five
1. condole A. to become solid from a liquid state
2. condone B. to employ magic
3. conducive C. a trusted person
4. confidant D. guess
5. congeal E. to pardon
6. congenital F. matched, in accord
7. conglomerate G. born with
8. congruent H. to offer sympathy
9. conjecture I. mixture, combination
10. conjure J. leading to, receptive to
Answers: 1. H 2. E 3. J 4. C 5. A 6. G 7. I 8. F 9. D 10. B
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