Chapter 4: 25 Ways to Give Feedback
dmit that turnaround is fair play.
Here’s their opportunity to give you feedback. In the process, they will probably learn something
about themselves. If you’re brave, hold a five- to ten-minute discussion asking for ways you can
improve the class. The information participants provide will tell you a little about them and a lot
about yourself. (For example, someone who says you need to control class discussions better is
probably someone who learns best in quieter settings.)
Option: Don’t wait until the course is over to hand out evaluation forms. Obtain feedback
halfway through, or even several times during the course of a day. The evaluation could consist
of a single question: “In relation to the concept I just taught, how confident are you that you
have learned it well enough to teach it to someone else?” (Suggest that respondents evaluate the
extent of their learning by using increments going from 10% to 100%.) If the average of the
percentages is lower than 70%, you have a lot more work to do.
sk if they are confident enough to have their grade
publicly posted.
First, announce that you will only provide grades that range from B
to A
on an assignment or
test. Anything lower than that will be returned to the participant with your written comments,
but no grade. Second, ask if participants want to have their work posted for the benefit of
Those who opt for privacy will have their papers corrected and returned directly to them. Those
who don’t mind sharing will have their papers posted around the room. Allow about 15 minutes
for participants to walk around. Circulate with them, answering questions as they arise.
A final test of your spatial reasoning ability:
Imagine the letter K. Place a square next to it on the left side. Put a circle
inside the square. Now rotate the figure 90 degrees to the left. What
familiar object are you looking at?
Answer: A television (the old kind, with “rabbit ears”).
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