Chapter 17: 25 Ways to Conduct Non-Threatening Competition
se the Ben Franklin columns.
Salespeople are very familiar with the Ben Franklin approach. You might even be using it
without knowing who originated it. Basically, the approach asks you to take a sheet of paper,
draw a line down the middle, and write the pro’s on one side and the con’s on the other.
When it comes to competition, have each group do a Ben Franklin listing of the pro’s and con’s
relative to engaging in competitive activities associated with the learning under way. After five or
ten minutes, ask a spokesperson from each group to tell you the results: how many things were
listed in the pro column and how many in the con column. Also ask each spokesperson to share
one pro and one con. Comment briefly or lead a short discussion on the spokesperson-reports.
On the flipchart, have two columns. Keep track, as each group reports, of how many pro’s they
listed and how many con’s. Once all the votes are in, decide with the whole group if a
competition should be held. Even if they vote not to compete, they will at least have thought
about some of the advantages to having a competitive environment.
ell some “loser” stories.
Basketball fans know that Michael Jordan’s high school coach seldom permitted him to leave
the bench. He simply wasn’t a good enough player. Being benched was not good enough for the
airy one, though, and so he used his second-string status as an improvement goal.
Examples: Of Vince Lombardi, a college administrator wrote, “Lacks motivation, has minimal
football knowledge.”
Of Fred Astaire, a movie executive noted, “Can’t act, balding, can dance
a little.
Of Louisa May Alcott, a teacher wrote, “She should find work as a
On Enrico Caruso, a critic commented, “Has no voice at all. Cannot sing.”
To the young Albert Einstein, the school headmaster asserted, “Your mere
presence offends me.”
If you have an anecdote of your own, now’s the time to share it. And most of us have
had observations made about our abilities that were very far off the mark, considering our
later accomplishments. Ask class members if any one of them has defied some predictor’s
dismal words.
Here’s another person who did not permit failure to determine his future. Setbacks really did not
set him back or deter him from reaching his goals. Do you know who he is?
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