500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
wist popular phrases into course-related ideas.
If you have an especially bright or creative group of participants, this is the review tool for them.
Challenge them to take a popular phrase and twist it into a play on words. From there, they will
take the twisted phrase and make it meaningful in relation to the course.
Example: Jurassic Park
Twisted phrases for use in science or medical transcription class:
Potassic Park, Jurassic Perk, Jurassic Bark, Jurassic Port, Sebacic Park, Boracic Park,
Thoracic Park
Example: Karl Rove (very much in the news at the time of this writing)
Twisted phrases for Political Science, Leadership, Ethics class:
Karl Rave, Snarl Rove, Karl Wove, Karl Trove, Karl Dove
What bird can run faster than a horse and roar like a lion, but is not capable
of flying?
Answer: Ostrich.
se the “been-there/done-that” phrase to review.
Draw a line down the middle of a flipchart paper. Elicit from class members the names of places
they have been (for the left-hand column) and things they have done (for the right-hand
column). Post that two-column list. (The longer the list, the better.) Then start a new list for the
course objectives or the course outline.
Have participants explain one item on the second list by correlating it to one item on the
first list.
Example for a Psychology class: Light deprivation, a key ingredient in SAD (Seasonal
Affective Disorder), can be discussed in relation to a trip to Seattle or Alaska or Iceland.
Two mothers and two daughters went to the mall, where each bought a shirt.
Yet they only brought three shirts home with them. Why is this?
Answer: The shoppers were a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter. True, there were two mothers, but one of them was
also a daughter—three people and three shirts.
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