500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
elect a reporter by popular choice.
Have groups prepare their reports. Afterwards, distribute small sheets of scrap paper. Ask
participants to write on them the name of the one person in the room whom they feel would
make the best reporter—not the person they like best, but the person who is most likely to
make the best report. To avoid popularity-contest thinking, suggest that they decide on the basis
of who will be shortest (or the funniest, most articulate, most mellifluent, et cetera).
Collect the papers and ask for a volunteer to take them into the corridor and tally them.
When he returns and announces the name of the chosen reporter, hand all the reports to that
person and ask him to either select one he’d like to deliver, or prepare a composite of the
reports. When he’s ready, have him do his thing.
How good is your intuition? We’re certain you’ve never counted to get the
correct answer to these questions, but what’s your best guess?
1. How many ridges are there on a quarter?
2. How many on a dime?
Answers: 1. 119 2. 118
all for the creation of a headband or bumper sticker.
You can make this reporting assignment more interesting by providing basic art supplies, but
essentially, you’re asking this: “Design a headband that captures the essence of your report. If
you wish, you can create a catchy bumper sticker slogan instead.”
This event actually happened: A young man at a boarding school needed money.
Instead of requesting it from his parents, he wrote to his doting grandmother and asked for
a small contribution. She wrote back, but instead of giving him money, she lectured him
on being more frugal and condemned his extravagance. The boy was thrilled. Can you figure
out why?
Answer: The boy’s grandmother was Queen Victoria, and her grandson knew that the letter had value—the equivalent of
about $20 at the time that he sold it!
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