Chapter 4: 25 Ways to Give Feedback
or the confident, ask groups to provide feedback.
The confident individual can meet with group members and obtain their feedback. This small-
group setting also allows the individual to ask questions, ask for advice, or explain why she
chose a particular course of action.
The preceding brainteaser asked you to find a word familiar to the people listed
in the question. The questions that follow are more of the same.
1. musician police officer cook
2. artist cosmetologist baker
3. florist basketball player farmer
4. rancher orthopedist aerobic instructor
5. machinist farmer maternity-ward nurse
6. court judge musical artist journalist
Answers: 1. beat 2. brush 3. basket 4. calf 5. crib 6. record
or the super-confident, ask the whole class to provide
This feedback method is not for the faint of heart, so always make it a volunteer decision. There
will probably be some participants in your classroom with a “bring-it-on” attitude—people who
will actually enjoy standing before the total group and learning ways that they can improve their
performance. Applaud their courage, and then ask the groups as a whole for feedback. Caution:
Always encourage participants to use kind-but-honest words.
Among the papers in Boston’s John F. Kennedy Library is evidence of a game
the President used to play to amuse himself. Although the conditions he established for himself
were very difficult, you can make accommodations based on the nature of the students you
teach. Kennedy would have categories across the top of a page. Down the left-hand side, he
would have letters. He would then allow himself only 12 seconds to come up with a word to
write in each box. We’ll do a simple box here, with only two categories and one letter.
Famous Romans French writers
Answers: Romulus and Rousseau
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