Chapter 19: 25 Ways to Think on Your Feet
mprove concentration.
You may remember from the Overview that concentration skills are part of the whole rapid-
thinking package. There are numerous ways to develop the ability to concentrate, but one that
participants truly seem to enjoy requires the formation of four-person groups.
One person is the Speaker, who will talk about something he knows really well—his family, his
pet, his hobby, his last vacation.
The second person is the Listener, who will try to remember as many facts as possible from the
Speaker’s monologue, without taking any notes.
The third person is the Whisperer. He will try to disrupt the Listener’s concentration by
whispering non-stop into the listener’s ear. (With older students, you can heighten the fun by
having the Whisperer discuss semi-salacious tidbits. If the Whisperer is talking about the Federal
Reserve, for example, it will be easy for most Listeners to tune him out. But if the Whisperer is
speculating about Angelina Jolie and her penchant for strange behavior, the Listener will
probably be hanging on every juicy word.)
Stop the exercise after three minutes, and ask the Listener to repeat all the facts he can from the
Speaker’s monologue. The fourth person is the Recorder, who will note the spoken statements
and then place a check mark in front of each one that the Listener repeats accurately. (Repeat
the exercise if time permits.)
One abbreviation in this long list does not belong. How quickly can you spot it?
1. NO 11. FM
2. AM 12. O
3. MD 13. HO
4. LA 14. Q
5. TH 15. LI
6. MO 16. V
7. K 17. N
8. I 18. PA
9. B 19. BA
10. C 20. TA
Answer: 14. Q. All the others are listed on the Periodic Table of the Elements.
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