500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
You certainly don’t have to answer every question that is put to you. Learn to sidestep as
graciously as the young lady in the following example did.
Example: A lovely young woman had just been crowned a beauty queen when a reporter tossed
an intrusive question at her. “Are you a virgin?” he demanded to know. She thought just a
moment and then smiled sweetly, “I don’t believe that question is relevant to the duties that
await me. May I have the next question, please?”
Caution: You may wish to use a different example more appropriate for the age of your
How do you interpret this amusing bit of Yiddish wisdom?
“The man who marries for money will earn it.”
1. You have to work hard when you marry a wealthy woman.
2. It helps to be wealthy before you marry into wealth.
Answer: 1.
Especially during interviews, you can gain some thinking time by either giving or asking for a
definition. The responses provided below were given by two different quick-thinkers during
actual job interviews.
Give-definition examples:
Interviewer: “Tell us about yourself.”
Applicant: “If you really want to know who I am, I must tell you that I am a non-conforming
conformist. Certainly, I will conform to your rules and regulations. But if I am
ever asked to do something I consider unethical, I will not conform!”
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Interviewer: “How do you know you are intelligent?”
Applicant: “To me, intelligence is knowledge. And I know more today than I knew
Seek-definition example:
Interviewer: “What are your views on participative management?”
Applicant: “By that, do you mean ‘democratic’ management?”
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