Chapter 12: 25 Ways to Make the Subject Matter Relevant
ave them determine an “oops” moment.
Tell participants they can work alone or in pairs, triads, or groups. Whichever they choose,
however, they will be asked to give a brief report. Then write these words on the flipchart:
Oops Whoops Droops Coups Scoops Troups
Explain the significance of each word.
“Oops” If they choose to tell about an “oops” moment, they will discuss their realization
that they made a mistake or that they changed their thinking about the course.
“Whoops” If they choose to tell about a “whoops” moment, they will discuss a time when they
felt like whooping it up, so to speak—a time when they felt like shouting
“whoopee” because of an insight they had related to the course.
“Droops” If they choose to tell about a “droops” moment, they will describe a time when
their energy level flagged or they started to feel discouraged or disappointed in
some aspect of the course.
“Coups” If they choose to tell about a “coups” moment, they will explore a time when they
felt victorious about something they accomplished in class—perhaps when they
were first to complete something, or when they finally “got” a concept they’d been
struggling to understand.
“Scoops” If they choose to tell about a “scoops” moment, they will share a learning
experience that was so exciting or interesting, they couldn’t wait to rush out and tell
someone else about it—an experience that made them feel like telling the world
about it before anyone else could.
“Troups” If they choose to tell about a “troups” or “troops” moment, they will describe their
feelings of esprit de corps, telling about a goal that their group accomplished or the
pride they felt in working as part of a particular team.
Conclude the activity by calling on each person or group to share her/their “oops” moment.
What do these two words have in common? boiling tipping
Answer: Each word is part of a phrase that has a second word in common: “point.”
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