Section 6.3

  1. 1. P=[1211], D=[1002], A5=[63623130]

  2. 2. P=[1211], D=[1002], A5=[65663334]

  3. 3. P=[1312], D=[0002], A5=[96966464]

  4. 4. P=[1312], D=[1002], A5=[94936261]

  5. 5. P=[1413], D=[1002], A5=[1251249392]

  6. 6. P=[2511], D=[1002], A5=[15631062123]

  7. 7. P=[103001010], D=[100020002], A5=[193003200032]

  8. 8. P=[011100201], D=[100010002], A5=[1623101006232]

  9. 9. P=[113001010], D=[100020002], A5=[1933103200032]

  10. 10. P=[113102020], D=[100020002], A5=[9493316261310032]

  11. 11. P=[00112423587], D=[100000001], A10=[1007852195156]

  12. 12. P=[113205050], D=[100010001], A10=[100010001]

  13. 13. P=[111011201], D=[100000001], A10=[331221001]

  14. 14. P=[112011201], D=[100000001], A10=[331221001]

  15. 15. A23A+2I=0, A3=[29282120], A4=[61604544], A1=12[2435]

  16. 16. A23A+2I=0, A3=[36701427], A4=[761503059], A1=12[31026]

  17. 17. A3+5A28A+4I=0, A3=[1210080008], A4=[145001600016], A1=12[230010001]

  18. 18. A3+4A25A+2I=0, A3=[11470100148], A4=[1301501003016], A1=12[221020021]

  19. 19. A3+5A28A+4I=0, A3=[1217080008], A4=[1451501600016], A1=12[231010001]

  20. 20. A3+5A28A+4I=0, A3=[2221714137008], A4=[4645153029150016], A1=12[131241001]

  21. 21. A3+A=0, A3=A=A=[10065221156], A4=A2=[1007852195156]. Because λ=0 is an eigenvalue, A is singular and A1 does not exist.

  22. 22. A3+A2+AI=0, A3=A=[116220114001]=A, A4=[100010001]=I, A1=A

  23. 23. A3+A=0, A3=A=[111221441], A4=A2=[331221001]. Because λ=0 is an eigenvalue, A is singular and A1 does not exist.

  24. 24. A3+A=0,  A3=A=  [553221443], A4=A2=[331221001]. Because λ=0 is an eigenvalue, A is singular and A1 does not exist.

  25. 25. xk=Akx0=[1111][1004/5]k12[1111]x0=(C0+S0)[1/21/2] as k. The long-term distribution of population is 50% city, 50% suburban.

  26. 26. xk=Akx0=[1131][1004/5]k14[1131]x0=(C0+S0)[1/43/4] as k. The long-term distribution of population is 25% city, 75% suburban.

  27. 27. xk=Akx0=[3151][1003/5]k18[1153]x0=(C0+S0)[3/85/8] as k. The long-term distribution of population is 3/8 city, 5/8 suburban.

  28. 28. xk=Akx0=[1121][1007/10]k13[1121]x0=(C0+S0)[1/32/3] as k. The long-term distribution of population is 1/3 city, 2/3 suburban.

  29. 29. xk=Akx0=[1121][10017/20]k13[1121]x0=(C0+S0)[1/32/3] as k. The long-term distribution of population is 1/3 city, 2/3 suburban.

  30. 30. xk=Akx0=[3141][10013/20]k17[1143]x0=(C0+S0)[3/74/7] as k. The long-term distribution of population is 3/7 city, 4/7 suburban.

  31. 31. xk=Akx0=[5542][1004/5]k110[2545]x0=[2.5R0F02R00.8F0] as k. The fox-rabbit population approaches a stable situation with 2.5R0F0 foxes and 2R00.8F0 rabbits.

  32. 32. xk=Akx0=[10271][19/200017/20]k14[12710]x0=[00] as k. The fox and rabbit population both die out.

  33. 33. xk=Akx0=[101093][21/20003/4]k160[310910]x0160(1.05)k(10R03F0)[109] as when k is sufficiently large. The fox and rabbit populations are both increasing at 5% per year, with 10 foxes for each 9 rabbits.

  34. 34. A=PDP1=[41305641]. If n is even, then Dn=I so An=PDnP1=PIP1=I. If n is odd, then An=An1A=IA=A. Thus A99=A and A100=I.

  35. 35. λ=±1 implies that Dn=I if n is even, in which case An=PDnP1=I.

  36. 36. A2=I, so A3=A2A=IA=A, A4=A3A=A2=I, and so forth.

  37. 37. A2=I, so A3=A2A=IA=A, A4=A3A=A2=I, and so forth.

  38. 38. If B=[0100] so B2=0, and it follows that An=I+nB=[1n01].

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