Section 2.6

  1. 1. y(0.25)1.55762; y(0.25)=1.55760. y(0.5)1.21309; y(0.5)=1.21306. Solution: y=2ex

In Problems 2 through 10 we give the approximation to y(0.5), its true value, and the solution.

  1. 2. 1.35867, 1.35914; y=12e2x

  2. 3. 2.29740, 2.29744; y=2ex1

  3. 4. 0.71309, 0.71306; y=2ex+x1

  4. 5. 0.85130, 0.85128; y=ex+x+2

  5. 6. 1.55759, 1.55760; u=2 exp(x2)

  6. 7. 2.64745, 2.64749; y=3 exp(x3)

  7. 8. 0.40547, 0.40547; y=ln(x+1)

  8. 9. 1.28743, 1.28743; y=tan14(x+π)

  9. 10. 1.33337, 1.33333; y=(1x2)1

  10. 11. Solution: y(x)=2ex.

    x h=0.2
    Exact y
    0.0 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
    0.2 0.77860 0.77860 0.77860
    0.4 0.50818 0.50818 0.50818
    0.6 0.17789 0.17788 0.17788
    0.8 0.22552 0.22554 0.22554
    1.0 0.71825 0.71828 0.71828

In Problems 12 through 16 we give the final value of x, the corresponding Runge-Kutta approximations with h=0.2 and with h=0.1, the exact value of y, and the solution.

  1. 12. 1.0, 2.99996, 3.00000, 3.00000; y=1+2/(2x)

  2. 13. 2.0, 4.89900, 4.89898, 4.89898; y=8+x4

  3. 14. 2.0, 3.25795, 3.25882, 3.25889; y=1/(1ln x)

  4. 15. 3.0, 3.44445, 3.44444, 3.44444; y=x+4x2

  5. 16. 3.0, 8.84515, 8.84509, 8.84509; y=(x637)1/3

In Problems 17 through 24 we give the final value of x and the corresponding values of y with h=0.2, 0.1, 0.05, and 0.025.

  1. 17. 1.0, 0.350258, 0.350234, 0.350232, 0.350232

  2. 18. 2.0, 1.679513, 1.679461, 1.679459, 1.679459

  3. 19. 2.0, 6.411464, 6.411474, 6.411474, 6.411474

  4. 20. 2.0, 1.259990, 1.259992, 1.259993, 1.259993

  5. 21. 2.0, 2.872467, 2.872468, 2.872468, 2.872468

  6. 22. 2.0, 7.326761, 7.328452, 7.328971, 7.329134

  7. 23. 1.0, 1.230735, 1.230731, 1.230731, 1.230731

  8. 24. 1.0, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000

  9. 25. With both step sizes h=0.1 and h=0.05, the approximate velocity after 1 second is 15.962 ft/sec (80% of the limiting velocity of 20 ft/sec); after 2 seconds it is 19.185 ft/sec (96% of the limiting velocity).

  10. 26. With both step sizes h=6 and h=3, the approximate population after 5 years is 49.3915 deer (65% of the limiting population of 75 deer); after 10 years it is 66.1136 deer (88% of the limiting population).

  11. 27. With successive step sizes h=1, 0.1, 0.01, the first four approximations to y(2) we obtain are 1.05722, 1.00447, 1.00445and 1.00445. Thus it seems likely that y(2)1.00445 accurate to 5 decimal places.

  12. 28. With successive step sizes h=1, 0.1, 0.01, the first four approximations to y(2) we obtain are 1.48990, 1.46332, 1.46331, and 1.46331. Thus it seems likely that y(2)1.4633 accurate to 5 decimal places.

  13. 29. Time aloft: approximately 9.41 seconds

  14. 30. Time aloft: approximately 9.41 seconds

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