A.4 Uniqueness of Solutions

It is possible to establish the existence of solutions of the initial value problem in (35) under the much weaker hypothesis that f(x, t) is merely continuous; techniques other than those used in this section are required. By contrast, the Lipschitz condition that we used in proving Theorem 1 is the key to uniqueness of solutions. In particular, the solution provided by Theorem 3 is unique near the point t=a.

We will outline the proof of Theorem 4 for the 1-dimensional case in which x is a real variable. A generalization of this proof to the multivariable case can be found in Chapter 6 of Birkhoff and Rota.

Let us consider the function


for which ϕ(a)=0, because x1(a)=x2(a)=b. We want to show that ϕ(t)0, so that x1(t)x2(t). We will consider only the case ta; the details are similar for the case ta.

If we differentiate each side in Eq. (40), we find that


by using the Lipschitz condition on f. Hence


Now let us temporarily ignore the fact that ϕ(a)=0 and compare ϕ(t) with the solution of the differential equation


such that Φ(a)=ϕ(a); clearly


In comparing (41) with (42), it seems inevitable that

ϕ(t)Φ(t)for ta,

and this is easily proved (Problem 18). Hence


On taking square roots, we get


But x1(a)x2(a)=0, so (45) implies that x1(t)x2(t).

Example 1

The initial value problem


has both the obvious solution x1(t)0 and the solution x2(t)=t3 (which is readily found by separation of variables). Hence the function f(x, t) must fail to satisfy a Lipschitz condition near (0, 0). Indeed, the mean value theorem yields


for some x¯ between 0 and x. But fx(x,0)=2x1/3 is unbounded as x0, so no Lipschitz condition can be satisfied.

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