Section 5.4

  1. 1. Frequency: 2 rad/s (1/π HZ); period: π s

  2. 2. Frequency: 8 rad/sec (4/π HZ); period: π/4 sec

  3. 3. Amplitude: 2m; frequency: 5 rad/s; period: 2π/5 s

  4. 4. (a) x(t)=1312cos (12tα) with α=2πtan1(5/12)5.8884; (b) Amplitude: 1312 m; period: π/6 sec

  5. 6. About 7.33 mi

  6. 7. About 10450 ft

  7. 8. 29.59 in.

  8. 10. Amplitude: 100 cm; period: about 2.01 sec

  9. 11. About 3.8 in.

  10. 13. (a) x(t)=50(e2t/5et/2); (b) 4.096 exactly

  11. 14. (a) x(t)=25et/5 cos (3tα) with α=tan1(3/4)0.6435; (b) envelope curves x=±25et/5; pseudoperiod 2π/3

  12. 15. x(t)=4e2t2e4t, overdamped; u(t)=2 cos (22t)

  13. 16. x(t)=4e3t2e7t, overdamped; u(t)22221 cos (21t0.2149)

  14. 17. x(t)=5e4t(2t+1), critically damped; u(t)525 cos (4t5.8195)

  15. 18. x(t)=2e3t cos (4t3π2), underdamped; u(t)=85cos (5t3π2)

  16. 19. x(t)13313e5t/2 cos (6t0.8254), underdamped; u(t)413233 cos (132t0.5517)

  17. 20. x(t)13e4t cos (2t1.1760), underdamped; u(t)1295 cos (25t0.1770)

  18. 21. x(t)10e5t cos (10t0.9273), underdamped; u(t)214 cos (55t0.6405)

  19. 22. (b) The time-varying amplitude is 233, the frequencyis 43 rad/s, and the phase angle is π/6.

  20. 23. (a) k7018 lb/ft; (b) After about 2.47 s

  21. 34. Damping constant: c11.51 lb/ft/s; spring constant: k189.68 lb/ft

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