Section 10.1

  1. 1. 1/s2, s>0

  2. 2. 2/s3, s>0

  3. 3. e/(s3), s>3

  4. 4. s/(s2+1), s>0

  5. 5. 1/(s21), s>1

  6. 6. 12[1/ss/(s2+4)], s>0

  7. 7. (1es)/s, s>0

  8. 8. (ese2s)/s, s>0

  9. 9. (1esses)/s2, s>0

  10. 10. (s1+es)/s2, s>0

  11. 11. 12πs3/2+3s2, s>0

  12. 12. (45π192s3/2)/(8s7/2), s>0

  13. 13. s22(s3)1, s>3

  14. 14. 3π/(4s5/2)+1/(s+10), s>0

  15. 15. s1+s(s225)1, s>5

  16. 16. (s+2)/(s2+4), s>0

  17. 17. cos2 2t=12(1+ cos 4t); 12[s1+s/(s2+16)], s>0

  18. 18. 3/(s2+36), s>0

  19. 19. s1+3s2+6s3+6s4, s>0

  20. 20. 1/(s1)2, s>1

  21. 21. (s24)/(s2+4)2, s>0

  22. 22. 12[s/(s236)s1]

  23. 23. 12t3

  24. 24. 2t/π

  25. 25. 183t3/2π1/2

  26. 26. e5t

  27. 27. 3e4t

  28. 28. 3 cos 2t+12sin 2t

  29. 29. 53sin 3t3 cos 3t

  30. 30. cosh 2t92 sinh 2t

  31. 31. 35 sinh 5t10 cosh 5t

  32. 32. 2u(t3)

  33. 37. f(t)=1u(ta). Your figure should indicate that the graph of f contains the point (a, 0), but not the point (a, 1).

  34. 38. f(t)=u(ta)u(tb). Your figure should indicate that the graph of f contains the points (a, 1) and (b, 0), but not the points (a, 0) and (b, 1).

  35. 39. Figure 10.2.8 shows the graph of the unit staircase function.

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