• Maclaurin series, 606

  • Manchester (England), 330

  • Mass matrix, 425, 446

  • Mass-spring system, 266, 302, 309, 366, 425, 427, 432, 496, 507, 539, 570, 571, 580, 596

  • Mathematical model, modeling, 4

  • Matrix, 147

  • Matrix algebra, 171

  • Matrix differential equation, 376, 469

  • Matrix equations, 182

  • Matrix exponential, 494, 499

  • Matrix exponential solution, 475

  • Matrix-valued function, 375

    • continuous, 375

    • differentiable, 375

    • derivative of, 375

  • Mechanical systems (modeling), 331

  • Method of elimination, 140

    • for determinants, 194

  • Method of Frobenius, 631

  • Method of successive approximations, 654

  • Method of undetermined coefficients, 314, 316, 320

    • for nonhomogeneous systems, 483

  • Mexico City, 330

  • Minimal spanning set, 242

  • Minor (of a matrix), 190

  • Mixture problems, 51

  • Mks units, 13

  • Modulus (of complex number), 298

  • Multiplication by an elementary matrix, 671

  • Multiplication of matrices, 168

    • and determinants, 196

    • associative law, 171

    • by scalars, 165

  • Multiplication of vector by scalar, 213

  • Multiplicity of eigenvalue, 354, 437

  • Multistory building, 435

  • Mutual extinction, 359

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