Chapter 1 Review Problems

  1. 1. Linear: y(x)=x3(C+ln x)

  2. 2. Separable: y(x)=x/(3Cxxln x)

  3. 3. Homogeneous: y(x)=x/(Cln x)

  4. 4. Exact: x2y3+excos y=C

  5. 5. Separable: y(x)=Cexp(x3x2)

  6. 6. Separable: y(x)=x/(1+Cx+2xln x)

  7. 7. Linear: y(x)=x2(C+ln x)

  8. 8. Homogeneous: y(x)=3Cx/(Cx3)=3x/(1+Kx3)

  9. 9. Bernoulli: y(x)=(x2+Cx1)2

  10. 10. Separable: y(x)=tan(C+x+13x3)

  11. 11. Homogeneous: y(x)=x/(C3 ln x)

  12. 12. Exact: 3x2y3+2xy4=C

  13. 13. Separable: y(x)=1/(C+2x2x5)

  14. 14. Homogeneous: y2=x2/(C+2 ln x)

  15. 15. Linear: y(x)=(x3+C)e3x

  16. 16. Substitution: v=yx; solution: yx1=Ce2x(yx+1)

  17. 17. Exact: ex+ey+exy=C

  18. 18. Homogeneous: y2=Cx2(x2y2)

  19. 19. Separable: y(x)=x2/(x5+Cx2+1)

  20. 20. Linear: y(x)=2x3/2+Cx3

  21. 21. Linear: y(x)=[C+ln(x1)]/(x+1)

  22. 22. Bernoulli: y(x)=(2x4+Cx2)3

  23. 23. Exact: xey+y sin x=C

  24. 24. Separable: y(x)=x1/2/(6x2+Cx1/2+2)

  25. 25. Linear: y(x)=(x+1)2(x3+3x2+3x+C)=x+1+K(x+1)2

  26. 26. Exact: 3x3/2y4/35x6/5y3/2=C

  27. 27. Bernoulli: y(x)=x1(C+ln x)1/3

  28. 28. Linear: y(x)=x1(C+e2x)

  29. 29. Linear: y(x)=(x2+x+C)(2x+1)1/2

  30. 30. Substitution: v=x+y; solution: x=2(x+y)1/22 ln[1+(x+y)1/2]+C

  31. 31. Separable and linear

  32. 32. Separable and Bernoulli

  33. 33. Exact and homogeneous

  34. 34. Exact and homogeneous

  35. 35. Separable and linear

  36. 36. Separable and Bernoulli

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