• Hailstone problem, 55

  • Half-life, 38

  • Halley's comet, 375, 467

  • Hard spring, 540

  • Harvesting a logistic population, 90

  • Harvesting and restocking, 127

  • Heaviside, Oliver (1850–1925), 565

  • Hermite equation, 624

  • Hermite polynomial, 624

  • Higher-order systems, 458

  • Hodgkin, A. L. (1914–1998), 554

  • Hodgkin-Huxley model, 555

  • Hole-through-Earth problem, 311

  • Homicide victim problem, 43

  • Homogeneous:

    • first-order equation, 59

    • linear system of first-order equations, 370, 385

    • nth-order equation, 279, 291

    • second-order equation, 266

    • second-order system, 427, 496

  • Homogeneous linear (algebraic) system, 160

    • uniqueness of solution, 162

  • Hooke's law, 302, 425, 507, 539

  • Hopf bifurcation, 524

  • Huxley, A. F. (1917–2012), 554

  • Hypergeometric equation, series, 640

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