7 Linear Systems of Differential Equations

7.1 First-Order Systems and Applications

In Chapters 1 and 5 we discussed methods for solving an ordinary differential equation that involves only one dependent variable. Many applications, however, require the use of two or more dependent variables, each a function of a single independent variable (typically time). Such a problem leads naturally to a system of simultaneous ordinary differential equations. We will usually denote the independent variable by t and the dependent variables (the unknown functions of t) by x1, x2, x3, , or by x, y, z, . Primes will indicate derivatives with respect to t.

We will restrict our attention to systems in which the number of equations is the same as the number of dependent variables (unknown functions). For instance, a system of two first-order equations in the dependent variables x and y has the general form

f(t, x, y, x, y)=0,g(t, x, y, x, y)=0,

where the functions f and g are given. A solution of this system is a pair x(t), y(t) of functions of t that satisfy both equations identically over some interval of values of t.

For an example of a second-order system, consider a particle of mass m that moves in space under the influence of a force field F that depends on time t, the position (x(t), y(t), z(t)) of the particle, and its velocity (x(t), y(t), z(t)). Writing Newton’s law ma=F componentwise, we get the system

mx=F1(t, x, y, z, x, y, z),my=F2(t, x, y, z, x, y, z),mz=F3(t, x, y, z, x, y, z)

of three second-order equations with independent variable t and dependent variables x, y, z; the three right-hand side functions F1, F2, F3 are the components of the vector-valued function F.

Initial Applications

Examples 1 and 2 further illustrate how systems of differential equations arise naturally in scientific problems.

Example 1

Dual mass-spring system Consider the system of two masses and two springs shown in Fig. 7.1.1, with a given external force f(t) acting on the right-hand mass m2. We denote by x(t) the displacement (to the right) of the mass m1 from its static equilibrium position [when the system is motionless and in equilibrium and f(t)=0] and by y(t) the displacement of the mass m2 from its static position. Thus the two springs are neither stretched nor compressed when x and y are zero.

FIGURE 7.1.1.

The mass-and-spring system of Example 1.

In the configuration in Fig. 7.1.1, the first spring is stretched x units and the second by yx units. We apply Newton’s law of motion to the two “free body diagrams” shown in Fig. 7.1.2; we thereby obtain the system


FIGURE 7.1.2.

The free body diagrams for the system of Example 1.

of differential equations that the position functions x(t) and y(t) must satisfy. For instance, if m1=2, m2=1, k1=4, k2=2, and f(t)=40 sin 3t in appropriate physical units, then the system in (3) reduces to

2x=6x+2y,y=2x2y+40 sin 3t.

Example 2

Dual brine tanks Consider two brine tanks connected as shown in Fig. 7.1.3. Tank 1 contains x(t) pounds of salt in 100 gal of brine and tank 2 contains y(t) pounds of salt in 200 gal of brine. The brine in each tank is kept uniform by stirring, and brine is pumped from each tank to the other at the rates indicated in Fig. 7.1.3. In addition, fresh water flows into tank 1 at 20 gal/min, and the brine in tank 2 flows out at 20 gal/min (so the total volume of brine in the two tanks remains constant). The salt concentrations in the two tanks are x/100 pounds per gallon and y/200 pounds per gallon, respectively. When we compute the rates of change of the amount of salt in the two tanks, we therefore get the system of differential equations that x(t) and y(t) must satisfy:


FIGURE 7.1.3.

The two brine tanks of Example 2.

—that is,


First-Order Systems

Consider a system of differential equations that can be solved for the highest-order derivatives of the dependent variables that appear, as explicit functions of t and lower-order derivatives of the dependent variables. For instance, in the case of a system of two second-order equations, our assumption is that it can be written in the form

x1=f1(t, x1, x2, x1, x2),x2=f2(t, x1, x2, x1, x2).

It is of both practical and theoretical importance that any such higher-order system can be transformed into an equivalent system of first-order equations.

To describe how such a transformation is accomplished, we consider first the “system” consisting of the single nth-order equation

x(n)=f(t, x, x, , x(n1)).

We introduce the dependent variables x1, x2, , xn defined as follows:


Note that x1=x=x2, x2=x=x3, and so on. Hence the substitution of (8) in Eq. (7) yields the system

x1=x2,x2=x3,xn1=xn,xn=f(t, x1, x2, xn)

of n first-order equations. Evidently, this system is equivalent to the original nth-order equation in (7), in the sense that x(t) is a solution of Eq. (7) if and only if the functions x1(t), x2(t), , xn(t) defined in (8) satisfy the system of equations in (9).

Example 3

The third-order equation

x(3)+3x+2x5x=sin 2t

is of the form in (7) with

f(t, x, x, x)=5x2x3x+sin 2t.

Hence the substitutions


yield the system

x1=x2,x2=x3,x3=5x12x23x3+sin 2t

of three first-order equations.

It may appear that the first-order system obtained in Example 3 offers little advantage, because we could use the methods of Chapter 5 to solve the original (linear) third-order equation. But suppose that we were confronted with the nonlinear equation


to which none of our earlier methods can be applied. The corresponding first-order system is


and we will see in Section 7.7 that there exist effective numerical techniques for approximating the solution of essentially any first-order system. So, in this case, the transformation to a first-order system is advantageous. From a practical viewpoint, large systems of higher-order differential equations typically are solved numerically with the aid of the computer, and the first step is to transform such a system into a first-order system for which a standard computer program is available.

Example 4

The system

2x=6x+2y,y=2x2y+40 sin 3t

of second-order equations was derived in Example 1. Transform this system into an equivalent first-order system.


Motivated by the equations in (8), we define


Then the system in (4) yields the system

x1=x2,2x2=6x1+2y1,y1=y2,y2=2x12y1+40 sin 3t

of four first-order equations in the dependent variables x1, x2, y1, and y2.

Simple Two-Dimensional Systems

The linear second-order differential equation


(with constant coefficients and independent variable t) transforms via the substitutions x=y, x=y into the two-dimensional linear system


Conversely, we can solve this system in (13) by solving the familiar single equation in (12).

Example 5

To solve the two-dimensional system


we begin with the observation that


This gives the single second-order equation x+x=0 having general solution

x(t)=A cos t+B sin t=C cos(tα),

where A=C cos α and B=C sin α. Then

y(t)=12x(t)=12(A sin t+B cos t)=12C sin(tα).

The identity cos2 θ+sin2 θ=1 therefore implies that, for each value of t, the point (x(t), y(t)) lies on the ellipse


with semiaxes C and C/2. Figure 7.1.4 shows several such ellipses in the xy-plane.

FIGURE 7.1.4.

Direction field and solution curves for the system x=2y, y=12x of Example 5.

A solution (x(t), y(t)) of a two-dimensional system

x=f(t, x, y),y=g(t, x, y)

can be regarded as a parametrization of a solution curve or trajectory of the system in the xy-plane. Thus the trajectories of the system in (14) are the ellipses of Fig. 7.1.4. The choice of an initial point (x(0), y(0)) determines which one of these trajectories a particular solution parametrizes.

The picture showing a system’s trajectories in the xy-plane—its so-called phase plane portrait—fails to reveal precisely how the point (x(t), y(t)) moves along its trajectory. If the functions f and g do not involve the independent variable t, then a direction field—showing typical arrows representing vectors with components (proportional to) the derivatives x=f(x, y) and y=g(x, y)—can be plotted. Because the moving point (x(t), y(t)) has velocity vector (x(t), y(t)), this direction field indicates the point’s direction of motion along its trajectory. For instance, the direction field plotted in Fig. 7.1.4 indicates that each such point moves counterclockwise around its elliptical trajectory. Additional information can be shown in the separate graphs of x(t) and y(t) as functions of t.

FIGURE 7.1.5.

x- and y-solution curves for the initial value problem x=2y,y=12x,x(0)=2,y(0)=0.

Example 5

Continued With initial values x(0)=2, y(0)=0, the general solution in Example 5 yields


The resulting particular solution is given by

x(t)=2 cos t,y(t)=sin t.

The graphs of the two functions are shown in Fig. 7.1.5. We see that x(t) initially decreases while y(t) increases. It follows that, as t increases, the solution point (x(t), y(t)) traverses the trajectory 14x2+y2=1 in the counterclockwise direction, as indicated by the direction field vectors in Fig. 7.1.4.

Example 6

To find a general solution of the system


we begin with the observation that


This gives the single linear second-order equation


having the characteristic equation

r2r2=(r+1)(r2) =0

and the general solution




Typical phase plane trajectories of the system in (15) parametrized by Eqs. (16) and (17) are shown in Fig. 7.1.6. These trajectories may resemble hyperbolas sharing common asymptotes, but Problem 23 shows that their actual form is somewhat more complicated.

FIGURE 7.1.6.

Direction field and solution curves for the system x=y, y=2x+y of Example 6.

Example 7

To solve the initial value problem


we begin with the observation that


This gives the single linear second-order equation


having the characteristic equation


characteristic roots 0.1±i, and the general solution

x(t)=et/10(A cos t+B sin t).

Then x(0)=A=0, so

x(t)=Bet/10 sin t,y(t)=x(t)=110Bet/10 sin tBet/10 cos t.

Finally, y(0)=B=1, so the desired solution of the system in (18) is

x(t)=et/10 sin t,y(t)=110et/10(sin t+10 cos t).

These equations parametrize the spiral trajectory in Fig.7.1.7; the trajectory approaches the origin as t+. Figure 7.1.8 shows the x- and y-solution curves given in (19).

FIGURE 7.1.7.

Direction field and solution curve for the system x=y, y=(1.01)x(0.2)y of Example 7.

FIGURE 7.1.8.

x- and y-solution curves for the initial value problem of Example 7.

When we study linear systems in subsequent sections, we will learn why the superficially similar systems in Examples 5 through 7 have the markedly different trajectories shown in Figs. 7.1.4, 7.1.6, and 7.1.7.

Linear Systems

In addition to practical advantages for numerical computation, the general theory of systems and systematic solution techniques are more easily and more concisely described for first-order systems than for higher-order systems. For instance, consider a linear first-order system of the form


We say that this system is homogeneous if the functions f1, f2, , fn are all identically zero; otherwise, it is nonhomogeneous. Thus the linear system in (5) is homogeneous, whereas the linear system in (11) is nonhomogeneous. The system in (10) is nonlinear because the right-hand side of the second equation is not a linear function of the dependent variables x1 and x2.

A solution of the system in (20) is an n-tuple of functions x1(t), x2(t), , xn(t) that (on some interval) identically satisfy each of the equations in (20). We will see that the general theory of a system of n linear first-order equations shares many similarities with the general theory of a single nth-order linear differential equation. Theorem 1 (proved in Appendix A) is analogous to Theorem 2 of Section 5.2. It tells us that if the coefficient functions pij and fj in (20) are continuous, then the system has a unique solution satisfying given initial conditions.

Thus n initial conditions are needed to determine a solution of a system of n linear first-order equations, and we therefore expect a general solution of such a system to involve n arbitrary constants. For instance, we saw in Example 4 that the second-order linear system

2x=6x+2y,y=2x2y+40 sin 3t,

which describes the position functions x(t) and y(t) of Example 1, is equivalent to the system of four first-order linear equations in (11). Hence four initial conditions would be needed to determine the subsequent motions of the two masses in Example 1. Typical initial values would be the initial positions x(0) and y(0) and the initial velocities x(0) and y(0). On the other hand, we found that the amounts x(t) and y(t) of salt in the two tanks of Example 2 are described by the system


of two first-order linear equations. Hence the two initial values x(0) and y(0) should suffice to determine the solution. Given a higher-order system, we often must transform it into an equivalent first-order system to discover how many initial conditions are needed to determine a unique solution. Theorem 1 tells us that the number of such conditions is precisely the same as the number of equations in the equivalent first-order system.

7.1 Problems

In Problems 1 through 10, transform the given differential equation or system into an equivalent system of first-order differential equations.

  1. x+3x+7x=t2


  2. x(4)+6x3x+x=cos 3t


  3. t2x+tx+(t21)x=0


  4. t3x(3)2t2x+3tx+5x=ln t


  5. x(3)=(x)2+cos x


  6. x5x+4y=0, y+4x5y=0


  7. x=kx(x2+y2)3/2, y=ky(x2+y2)3/2


  8. x+3x+4x2y=0, y+2y3x+y=cos t


  9. x=3xy+2z, y=x+y4z, z=5xyz


  10. x=(1y)x, y=(1x)y

Use the method of Examples 5, 6, and 7 to find general solutions of the systems in Problems 11 through 20. If initial conditions are given, find the corresponding particular solution. For each problem, use a computer system or graphing calculator to construct a direction field and typical solution curves for the given system.

  1. x=y, y=x


  2. x=y, y=x


  3. x=2y, y=2x; x(0)=1, y(0)=0


  4. x=10y, y=10x; x(0)=3, y(0)=4


  5. x=12y, y=8x


  6. x=8y, y=2x


  7. x=y, y=6xy; x(0)=1, y(0)=2


  8. x=y, y=10x7y; x(0)=2, y(0)=7


  9. x=y, y=13x+4y; x(0)=0, y(0)=3


  10. x=y, y=9x+6y


    1. Calculate [x(t)]2+[y(t)]2 to show that the trajectories of the system x=y, y=x of Problem 11 are circles.

    2. Calculate [x(t)]2[y(t)]2 to show that the trajectories of the system x=y, y=x of Problem 12 are hyperbolas.

    1. Beginning with the general solution of the system x=2y, y=2x of Problem 13, calculate x2+y2 to show that the trajectories are circles.

    2. Show similarly that the trajectories of the system x=12y, y=8x of Problem 15 are ellipses with equations of the form 16x2+y2=C2.

  11. First solve Eqs. (16) and (17) for et and e2t in terms of x(t), y(t), and the constants A and B. Then substitute the results in (e2t)(et)2=1 to show that the trajectories of the system x=y, y=2x+y in Example 6 satisfy an equation of the form


    Then show that C=0 yields the straight lines y=x and y=2x that are visible in Fig. 7.1.6.

  12. Dual mass-spring system Derive the equations


    for the displacements (from equilibrium) of the two masses shown in Fig. 7.1.9.

    FIGURE 7.1.9.

    The system of Problem 24.

  13. Oscillating particles Two particles each of mass m are attached to a string under (constant) tension T, as indicated in Fig. 7.1.10. Assume that the particles oscillate vertically (that is, parallel to the y-axis) with amplitudes so small that the sines of the angles shown are accurately approximated by their tangents. Show that the displacements y1 and y2 satisfy the equations


    where k=mL/T.

    FIGURE 7.1.10.

    The mechanical system of Problem 25.

  14. Fermentation vats Three 100-gal fermentation vats are connected as indicated in Fig. 7.1.11, and the mixtures in each tank are kept uniform by stirring. Denote by xi(t) the amount (in pounds) of alcohol in tank Ti at time t (i=1, 2, 3). Suppose that the mixture circulates between the tanks at the rate of 10 gal/min. Derive the equations


    FIGURE 7.1.11.

    The fermentation tanks of Problem 26.

  15. A particle of mass m moves in the plane with coordinates (x(t), y(t)) under the influence of a force that is directed toward the origin and has magnitude k/(x2+y2)—an inverse-square central force field. Show that


    where r=x2+y2.

  16. Suppose that a projectile of mass m moves in a vertical plane in the atmosphere near the surface of the earth under the influence of two forces: a downward gravitational force FG of magnitude mg, and a resistive force FR that is directed opposite to the velocity vector v and has magnitude kv2 (where v=|v| is the speed of the projectile; see Fig. 7.1.12). Show that the equations of motion of the projectile are


    where v=(x)2+(y)2.

    FIGURE 7.1.12.

    The trajectory of the projectile of Problem 28.

  17. Suppose that a particle with mass m and electrical charge q moves in the xy-plane under the influence of the magnetic field B=Bk (thus a uniform field parallel to the z-axis), so the force on the particle is F=qv×B if its velocity is v. Show that the equations of motion of the particle are


7.1 Application Gravitation and Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

Around the turn of the seventeenth century, Johannes Kepler analyzed a lifetime of planetary observations by the astronomer Tycho Brahe. Kepler concluded that the motion of the planets around the sun is described by the following three propositions, now known as Kepler’s laws of planetary motion:

  1. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus.

  2. The radius vector from the sun to each planet sweeps out area at a constant rate.

  3. The square of the planet’s period of revolution is proportional to the cube of the major semiaxis of its elliptical orbit.

In his Principia Mathematica (1687) Isaac Newton deduced the inverse square law of gravitation from Kepler’s laws. In this application we lead you (in the opposite direction) through a derivation of Kepler’s first two laws from Newton’s law of gravitation. Newton’s explanation of planetary motion in terms of gravitation is a landmark of scientific and intellectual history.

Assume that the sun is located at the origin in the plane of motion of a planet, and write the position vector of the planet in the form

r(t)=(x(t), y(t))=xi+yj,

where i=(1,0) and j=(0,1) denote the unit vectors in the positive x- and y-directions. Then the inverse-square law of gravitation implies (Problem 27) that the acceleration vector r(t) of the planet is given by


where r=x2+y2 is the distance from the sun to the planet. If the polar coordinates of the planet at time t are (r(t),θ(t)), then the radial and transverse unit vectors shown in Fig. 7.1.13 are given by

ur=i cos θ+j sin θanduθ=i sin θ+j cos θ.

FIGURE 7.1.13.

The radial and transverse unit vectors ur and uθ.

The radial unit vector ur (when located at the planet’s position) always points directly away from the origin, so ur=r/r, and the transverse unit vector uθ is obtained from ur by a 90° counterclockwise rotation.

Step 1: Differentiate the equations in (3) componentwise to show that


Step 2: Use the equations in (4) to differentiate the planet’s position vector r=rur and thereby show that its velocity vector is given by


Step 3: Differentiate again to show that the planet’s acceleration vector a=dv/dt is given by


Step 4: The radial and transverse components on the right-hand sides in Eqs. (2) and (6) must agree. Equating the transverse components—that is, the coefficients of uθ—we get


so it follows that


where h is a constant. Because the polar-coordinate area element—for computation of the area A(t) in Fig. 7.1.14—is given by dA=12r2dθ, Eq. (8) implies that the derivative A(t) is constant, which is a statement of Kepler’s second law.

FIGURE 7.1.14.

Area swept out by the radius vector.

Step 5: Equate radial components in (2) and (6), and then use the result in (8) to show that the planet’s radial coordinate function r(t) satisfies the second-order differential equation


Step 6: Although the differential equation in (9) is nonlinear, it can be transformed to a linear equation by means of a simple substitution. For this purpose, assume that the orbit can be written in the polar-coordinate form r=r(θ), and first use the chain rule and Eq. (8) to show that if r=1/z, then


Differentiate again, to deduce from Eq. (9) that the function z(θ)=1/r(θ) satisfies the second-order equation


Step 7: Show that the general solution of Eq. (10) is

z(θ)=A cos θ+B sin θ+kh2.

Step 8: Finally, deduce from Eq. (11) that r(θ)=1/z(θ) is given by


with e=Ch2/k, Ccos α=A, Csin α=B, and L=h2/k. The polar-coordinate graph of Eq. (12) is a conic section of eccentricity e—an ellipse if 0e<1, a parabola if e=1, and a hyperbola if e>1—with focus at the origin. Planetary with perihelion distance r1=L/(1+e) and aphelion distance r2=L/(1e). orbits are bounded and therefore are ellipses, with eccentricity e<1. As indicated in Fig. 7.1.15, the major axis of the ellipse lies along the radial line θ=α.

FIGURE 7.1.15.

The elliptical orbit


with perihelion distance

r1=L/(1+e) and aphelion distance


Step 9: Plot some typical elliptical orbits—as described by (12)—having different eccentricities, sizes, and orientations. In rectangular coordinates you can write

x(t)=r(t)cos t,y(t)=r(t)sin t,0t2π

to plot an elliptical orbit with eccentricity e, semilatus rectum L (Fig. 7.1.15), and rotation angle α. The eccentricity of the earth’s orbit is e0.0167, so close to zero that the orbit looks nearly circular (though with the sun off center), and the eccentricities of the other planetary orbits range from 0.0068 for Venus and 0.0933 for Mars to 0.2056 for Mercury (and 0.2486 for Pluto, no longer classified a planet). But many comets have highly eccentric orbits—Halley’s comet has e0.97 (Fig.7.1.16).

FIGURE 7.1.16.

The shape of the orbit of Halley’s comet.

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