Determinants and Invertibility

We began Section 3.6 with the remark that a 2×2 matrix A is invertible if and only if its determinant is nonzero: |A|0. Now we want to show that this result also holds for n×n matrices. This connection between determinants and invertibility is closely related to the fact that the determinant function “respects” matrix multiplication in the sense that


if A and B are n×n matrices. Our first step is to show that Eq. (9) holds if A is an elementary matrix obtained from the n×n identity matrix I by performing a single elementary row operation.


This is really just a restatement of Theorem 1. For instance, suppose that E is obtained from I by multiplying the pth row by c, so that |E|=c. Then Theorem 5 in Section 3.5 tells us that the product EB is the result of multiplying the pth row of B by c. Therefore,


and so we have verified Eq. (10) for the first of the three types of elementary matrices. The verifications for the other two types are similar.

Now, let A be an n×n matrix whose invertibility we want to discuss, and let R be the reduced echelon form of A. If the elementary matrices F1,F2,,Fk correspond to the elementary row operations that reduce A to R, then


by Theorem 5 in Section 3.5. Recalling that every elementary matrix is invertible (Section 3.5), we can rewrite Eq. (11) as


where each Ei=(Fi)1 is an elementary matrix. It now follows, by k applications of the lemma, that


This relation is the key both to the proof of (9) and to the proof of the following theorem.


If (as previously) R is the reduced echelon form of A, then Theorem 6 in Section 3.5 implies that

Ais invertibleif and only ifR=I.

Because R is a square reduced echelon matrix, we see that either R is the identity matrix I and |R|=1, or R has an all-zero row and, consequently, |R|=0. Therefore,

R=Iif and only if|R|0.

Finally, because |E|0 if E is an elementary matrix, it follows immediately from Eq. (13) that

|R|0if and only if|A|0.

Combining the statements in (14), (15), and (16), we see that A is invertible if and only if |A|0.

So now we can add the statement det A0 to the list of equivalent properties of nonsingular matrices stated in Theorem 7 of Section 3.5. Indeed, some texts define the square matrix A to be nonsingular if and only if det A0


If R is the reduced echelon form of A, then we see that


where E1,E2,, and Ek are elementary matrices. Hence


We now take the determinant of both sides, using the lemma stated earlier to “split off” the elementary matrices:

|AB|=|E1||E2E3EkRB|(lemma once)=|E1||E2||E3EkRB|(lemma twice)=|E1E2||E3EkRB|.(lemma thrice)

After 2k1 steps, we get


The remainder of the proof depends on whether or not A is invertible.

If A is invertible, then R=I, so Eq. (12) yields


and also that RB=IB=B. In this case the meaning of Eq. (17) is precisely that |AB|=|A||B|.

If A is not invertible, then |A|=0 by Theorem 2. Also, as we noted previously, the reduced echelon form R of A has an all-zero row in this case. Hence it follows from the definition of matrix multiplication that the product RB has an all-zero row and, therefore, that |RB|=0. In this case Eq. (17) implies that |AB|=0. Because both |A|=0 and |AB|=0, the equation |AB|=|A||B| holds, and the proof is complete.

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