Section 2.1

  1. 1. x(t)=22et

  2. 2. x(t)=101+9e10t

  3. 3. x(t)=2+e2t2e2t

  4. 4. x(t)=3(1e12t)2(1+e12t)

  5. 5. x(t)=4083e15t

  6. 6. x(t)=102+3e15t

  7. 7. x(t)=77114e28t

  8. 8. x(t)=221174e91t

  9. 9. 484

  10. 10. 20 weeks

  11. 11. (b) P(t)=(12t+10)2

  12. 12. P(t)=24020t

  13. 13. P(t)=18030t

  14. 14. P(t)=P01+kP0t

  15. 16. About 27.69 months

  16. 17. About 44.22 months

  17. 19. About 24.41 months

  18. 20. About 42.12 months

  19. 21. 2001+e6/5153.7 million

  20. 22. About 34.66 days

  21. 23. (a) limtx(t)=200 grams (b) 54ln 31.37 seconds

  22. 24. About 9.24 days

  23. 25. (a) M=100 and k=0.0002; (b) In the year 2075

  24. 26. 50 ln 9815.89 months

  25. 27. (a) 100 ln9558.78 months; (b) 100 ln 269.31 months.

  26. 28. (a) The alligators eventually die out.(b) Doomsday occurs after about 9 years 2 months.

  27. 29. (a) P(140)127.008 million (b) About 210.544 million; (c) In 2000 we get P196.169, whereas the actual 2000 population was about 281.422 million.

  28. 31. a0.3915;2.15×106 cells

  29. 37. k0.0000668717, M338.027

  30. 38. k0.000146679, M208.250

  31. 39. P(t)=P0exp(kt+b2πsin 2 πt); the colored curve in the figure below shows the graph with P0=100, k=0.03, and b=0.06. It oscillates about the black curve which represents natural growth with P0=100 and k=0.03. We see that the two agree at the end of each full year.

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