Section 7.6

  1. 1. Repeated eigenvalue λ=3, eigenvector v=[11]T; x1(t)=(c1+c2+c2t)e3t, x2(t)=(c1c2t)e3t

  2. 2. Repeated eigenvalue λ=2, single eigenvector v=[11]T; x1(t)=(c1+c2+c2t)e2t, x2(t)=(c1+c2t)e2t

  3. 3. Repeated eigenvalue λ=3, eigenvector v=[22]T; x1(t)=(2c1+c22c2t)e3t, x2(t)=(2c1+2c2t)e3t

  4. 4. Repeated eigenvalue λ=4, single eigenvector v=[11]T; x1(t)=(c1+c2c2t)e4t, x2(t)=(c1+c2t)e4t

  5. 5. Repeated eigenvalue λ=5, eigenvector v=[24]T; x1(t)=(2c1+c2+2c2t)e5t, x2(t)=(4c14c2t)e5t

  6. 6. Repeated eigenvalue λ=5, single eigenvector v=[44]T; x1(t)=(4c1+c24c2t)e5t, x2(t)=(4c1+4c2t)e5t

  7. 7. Eigenvalues λ=2, 2, 9 with three linearly independent eigenvectors; x1(t)=c1e2t+c2e2t, x2(t)=c1e2t+c3e9t, x3(t)=c2e2t

  8. 8. Eigenvalues λ=7, 13, 13 with three linearly independent eigenvectors; x1(t)=2c1e7tc3e13t, x2(t)=3c1e7t+c3e13t, x3(t)=c1e7t+c2e13t

  9. 9. Eigenvalues λ=5, 5, 9 with three linearly independent eigenvectors; x1(t)=c1e5t+7c2e5t+3c3e9t, x2(t)=2c1e5t, x3(t)=2c2e5t+c3e9t

  10. 10. Eigenvalues λ=3, 3, 7 with three linearly independent eigenvectors; x1(t)=5c1e3t3c2e3t+2c3e7t, x2(t)=2c1e3t+c3e7t, x3(t)=c2e3t

  11. 11. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 2; x1(t)=(2c2+c32c3t)et, x2(t)=(c1c2+c2tc3t+12c3t2)et, x3(t)=(c2+c3t)et

  12. 12. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 2; x1(t)=et(c1+c3+c2t+12c3t2) x2(t)=et(c1+c2t+12c3t2), x3(t)=et(c2+c3t)

  13. 13. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 2; x1(t)=(c1+c2t+12c3t2)et, x2(t)=(2c2+c3+2c3t)et, x3(t)=(c2+c3t)et

  14. 14. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 2; x1(t)=et(5c1+c2+c3+5c2t+c3t+52c3t2), x2(t)=et(25c15c225c2t5c3t252c3t2), x3(t)=et(5c1+4c25c2t+4c3t52c3t2)

  15. 15. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 1; x1(t)=(3c1+c33c3t)et, x2(t)=(c1+c3t)et, x3(t)=(c2+c3t)et

  16. 16. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 1; x1(t)=et(3c1+3c2+c3) x2(t)=et(2c12c3t), x3(t)=et(2c2+2c3t)

  17. 17. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 1; x1(t)=(2c1+c2)et, x2(t)=(3c2+c3+6c3t)et, x3(t)=9(c1+c3t)et

  18. 18. Triple eigenvalue λ=1 of defect 1; x1(t)=et(c12c2+c3), x2(t)=et(c2+c3t), x3(t)=et(c12c3t)

  19. 19. Double eigenvalues λ=1 and λ=1, with four linearly independent solutions; x1(t)=c1et+c4et, x2(t)=c3et, x3(t)=c2et+3c4et, x4(t)=c1et2c3et

  20. 20. Eigenvalue λ=2 with multiplicity 4 and defect 3; x1(t)=(c1+c3+c2t+c4t+12c3t2+16c4t3)e2t, x2(t)=(c2+c3t+12c4t2)e2t, x3(t)=(c3+c4t)e2t, x4(t)=c4e2t

  21. 21. Eigenvalue λ=1 with multiplicity 4 and defect 2; x1(t)=(2c2+c32c3t)et, x2(t)=(c2+c3t)et, x3(t)=(c2+c4+c3t)et, x4(t)=(c1+c2t+12c3t2)et

  22. 22. Eigenvalue λ=1 with multiplicity 4 and defect 2; x1(t)=(c1+3c2+c4+c2t+3c3t+12c3t2)et, x2(t)=(2c2c3+2c3t)et, x3(t)=(c2+c3t)et, x4(t)=(2c1+6c2+2c2t+6c3t+c3t2)et

  23. 23. x(t)=c1v1et+(c2v2+c3v3)e3t with v1=[112]T, v2=[409]T, v3=[021]T

  24. 24. x(t)=c1v1et+(c2v2+c3v3)e3t with v1=[533]T, v2=[401]T, v3=[210]T

  25. 25. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)+c3(12v1t2+v2t+v3)]e2t with v1=[101]T, v2=[410]T, and v3=[100]T

  26. 26. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)+c3(12v1t2+v2t+v3)]e3t with v1=[022]T, v3=[213]T, and v3=[100]T

  27. 27. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)+c3v3]e2t with v1=[538]T, v2=[100]T, v3=[100]T

  28. 28. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)+c3(12v1t2+v2t+v3)]e2t with v1=[1192890]T, v2=[173417]T, and v3=[100]T

  29. 29. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)]et+[c3v3+c4(v3t+v4)]e2t with v1=[1312]T, v2=[0100]T, v3=[0110]T, v4=[0021]T

  30. 30. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)]et+[c3v3+c4(v3t+v4)]e2t, with v1=[0113]T, v2=[0012]T, v3=[1000]T, v4=[0035]T

  31. 31. x(t)=[c1v1+c2(v1t+v2)+c3(12v1t2+v2t+v3)+c4v4]et with v1=[4272142]T, v2=[34221027]T, v3=[1000]T, v4=[0130]T

  32. 32. x(t)=(c1v1+c2v2)e2t+(c3v3+c4v4+c5v5)e3t with v1=[80310]T, v2=[10003]T, v3=[32100]T, v4=[22030]T, v5=[11003]T

  33. 33. x1(t)=[cos 4tsin 4t00]T e3t, x2(t)=[sin 4tcos 4t00]T e3t, x3(t)=[t cos 4tt sin 4tcos 4tsin 4t]T e3t, x4(t)=[t sin 4tt cos 4tsin 4tcos 4t]T e3t

  34. 34. x1(t)=[sin 3t3 cos 3t3 cos 3t0sin 3t]e2t, x2(t)=[cos 3t3 cos 3t+3 cos 3t0cos 3t]e2t, x3(t)=[3 cos 3t+t sin 3t(3t10) cos 3t(3t+9) sin 3tsin 3tt sin 3t]e2t, x4(t)=[t cos 3t+t sin 3t(3t+9) cos 3t+(3t10) sin 3tcos 3tt cos 3t]e2t

  35. 35. x1(t)=x2(t)=v0(1et); limtx1(t)=limtx2(t)=v0

  36. 36. x1(t)=v0(22ettet), x2(t)=v0(22ettet12t2et); limt x1(t)=limt x2(t)=2v0

In Problems 37, 39, 41, 43, and 45 we give a nonsingular matrix Q and a Jordan-form matrix J such that A=QJQ1. Any scalar multiple of Q will do the same job.

  1. 37. Q=[142109290], J=[100030003]

  2. 39. Q=[141010100], J=[210021002]

  3. 41. Q=[050130181], J=[200021002]

  4. 43. Q=[1000311210102001], J=[1100010000210002]

  5. 45. Q=[3043236007722280921610803043228812], J=[1000011000110001]

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