Section 9.1

  1. 1. 6.1.14

  2. 2. 6.1.16

  3. 3. 6.1.19

  4. 4. 6.1.13

  5. 5. 6.1.12

  6. 6. 6.1.18

  7. 7. 6.1.15

  8. 8. 6.1.17

  9. 9. Equilibrium solutions x(t)0, ±2. The critical point (0, 0) in the phase plane looks like a center, whereas the points (±2, 0) look like saddle points.

  10. 10. Equilibrium solution x(t)0. The critical point (0, 0) in the phase plane looks like a spiral sink.

  11. 11. Equilibrium solutions x(t),2π,π, 0, π, 2π,. The phase portrait shown in the solutions manual suggests that the critical point (nπ, 0) in the phase plane is a spiral sink if n is even, but is a saddle point if n is odd.

  12. 12. Equilibrium solution x(t)0. The critical point (0, 0) in the phase plane looks like a spiral source, with the solution curves emanating from this source spiraling outward toward a closed curve trajectory.

  13. 13. Solution x(t)=x0e2t, y(t)=y0e2t. The origin is a stable proper node similar to the one illustrated in Fig. 6.1.4.

  14. 14. Solution x(t)=x0e2t, y(t)=y0e2t. The origin is an unstable saddle point.

  15. 15. Solution x(t)=x0e2t, y(t)=y0et. The origin is a stable node.

  16. 16. Solution x(t)=x0et, y(t)=y0e3t. The origin is an unstable improper node.

  17. 17. Solution x(t)=A cos t+B sin t, y(t)=B cos tA sin t. The origin is a stable center.

  18. 18. Solution x(t)=A cos 2t+B sin 2t, y(t)=2B cos 2t+2A sin 2t. The origin is a stable center.

  19. 19. Solution x(t)=A cos 2t+B sin 2t, y(t)=B cos 2tA sin 2t. The origin is a stable center.

  20. 20. Solution x(t)=e2t(A cos t+B sin t), y(t)=e2t[(2A+B) cos t(A+2B) sin t]. The origin is a stable spiral point.

  21. 23. The origin and the circles x2+y2=C>0; the origin is a stable center.

  22. 24. The origin and the hyperbolas y2x2=C; the origin is an unstable saddle point.

  23. 25. The origin and the ellipses x2+4y2=C>0; the origin is a stable center.

  24. 26. The origin and the ovals of the form x4+y4=C>0; the origin is a stable center.

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