Dynamic Population of the Suggestion List


Until now you have looked at using only predefined suggestion lists. There are times, however, when you may want to change the contents of the suggestion list based on what the user has entered. One example is performing a web search for the entered text and using the search results as the suggestion list. The user enters some text, and you call a website to get a list of suggestions. Once the call completes you populate the ItemsSource property of the AutoCompleteBox. This entails an asynchronous operation, which means you need some way of telling the AutoCompleteBox to dispense with filtering until the result of the asynchronous call is obtained. Fortunately, the AutoCompleteBox contains a built-in mechanism for doing just this. By using the AutoCompleteBox.Populating event, you can safely coordinate the population of its suggestion list.

The following steps outline how to provide a dynamic list of suggestions as the user enters text.

1. Subscribe to the Populating event of the AutoCompleteBox.

2. When the event handler is called, set the Cancel property of the PopulatingEventArgs to true.

3. Populate the ItemsSource property of the AutoCompleteBox.

4. Call the PopulateComplete method of the AutoCompleteBox to signal that the ItemsSource property has been populated and can be filtered.

Let’s walk through these steps. The AutoCompleteBoxView, in the downloadable sample code, contains an event handler for the AutoCompleteBox Populating event. When the handler is called, it cancels the event and calls the viewmodel’s Populate method. When the viewmodel is finished retrieving the suggestions, perhaps from a web service, it calls the AutoCompleteBox.PopulateComplete method, which is provided as an Action parameter:

void AutoCompleteBox_Populating(object sender, PopulatingEventArgs e)
    e.Cancel = true;
    AutoCompleteBox box = (AutoCompleteBox)sender;
    ViewModel.Populate(e.Parameter, box.PopulateComplete);

The Populate method is designed to show how the population of a list might take place, though it does not perform an asynchronous operation. All that is done is to replace the suggestion list with another. We could, however, be using Bing or Google, for example, to perform a search. See the following excerpt:

public void Populate(string text, Action completeAction)
    Suggestions = new List<string>
                        "Daniel", "Sacha", "Marlon", "Pete",
                        "Josh", "Jaime", "Laurent", "Katka"
    if (completeAction != null)

The specified completeAction eventually calls the PopulateComplete method of the AutoCompleteBox, at which point filtering is reengaged.

Upon setting the FilterMode of the AutoCompleteBox to Contains and entering a single character, the suggestion list is populated as shown in Figure 9.7.


FIGURE 9.7 The suggestion list is populated when the AutoCompleteBox text changes.

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