Customizing the Value Format


The format of the DateTime value can be specified by setting the DatePicker or TimePicker ValueStringFormat property. For example, to present the DateTime value of a TimePicker using a long time format, the ValueStringFormat is set to {0:T}. Because curly brackets are treated as special characters in XAML, they must be escaped. This is done by prefixing {} to the format string, as shown in the following excerpt:

<toolkit:TimePicker x:Name="timePicker"
                    Value="{Binding Time, Mode=TwoWay}"
                    Header="time with custom format"

Alternatively, to set the format in the code-beside, you could use the following:

timePicker.ValueStringFormat = "{0:T}";

Figure 9.18 shows a TimePicker with the ValueStringFormat set to a long time format. You see that, unlike the default short time format, the seconds position is displayed.


FIGURE 9.18 TimePicker with a custom format.


By changing the ValueStringFormat and the PickerPageUri (discussed in the next section), you can effectively change a DatePicker into a TimePicker, and vice versa. This, however, would make little sense, yet it illustrates the similarity and the flexibility of both controls.

The DateTimePickerBase.ValueString property allows you to retrieve the string that is presented in the TextBox after the format has been applied.

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