Selecting a Phone Number with the PhoneNumberChooserTask


The phone number chooser task is used to launch the built-in Contacts application and allows the user to select a contact. A phone number for the contact is then returned to your app.


To query the user’s contact list without requiring the user to select a contact, use the Contacts class, described later in this chapter.

The PhoneNumberChooserTask should be defined as a field in your class, like so:

readonly PhoneNumberChooserTask phoneNumberChooserTask
                                     = new PhoneNumberChooserTask();

Subscribe to the PhoneNumberChooserTask.Completed event within your class constructor, as shown:

    += new EventHandler<PhoneNumberResult>(

Use the Show method of the PhoneNumberChooserTask to launch the built-in Contacts app. When the task completes the handler receives a PhoneNumberResult object, as shown:

void HandlePhoneNumberChooserTaskCompleted(object sender,
                                           PhoneNumberResult e)
    if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
        PhoneNumber = e.PhoneNumber;
    else if (e.Error != null)
        Message = "Unable to choose number. " + e.ToString();
    else if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.Cancel)
        Message = "Cancelled";

Sample Overview

Example code for the PhoneNumberChooserTask can be found in the PhoneCallViewModel in the downloadable sample code. The PhoneCallView allows the user to populate the Phone Number TextBox by using a button that launches the PhoneNumberChooserTask (shown previously in Figure 14.14).

A button in the view is bound to a viewmodel ICommand property named ChooseCommand. The chooseCommand field is instantiated in the PhoneCallViewModel constructor. When executed, the command calls the Show method of the PhoneNumberChooserTask, as shown:

public PhoneCallViewModel() : base("Phone Call Tasks")
                += HandlePhoneNumberChooserTaskCompleted;

    chooseCommand = new DelegateCommand(                         obj => phoneNumberChooserTask.Show());

When the Show method is called, the Contacts application is launched (see Figure 14.16).


FIGURE 14.16 Windows Phone Contacts application.

When the user selects a contact from the Contacts app, the sample app is activated, and the Completed event handler is called, which updates the PhoneNumber property in the viewmodel.

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