Inverses and the Adjoint Matrix

We now use Cramer’s rule to develop an explicit formula for the inverse A1 of the invertible matrix A. First, we need to rewrite Cramer’s rule more concisely. Expansion of the determinant in the numerator in Eq. (24) along its i th column yields


because the cofactor of bp is simply the cofactor Api of api in |A|. The formula in Eq. (25) gives the solution vector


Then the definition of matrix multiplication yields


for the solution x of Ax=b.

Observe that the double subscripts in (26) are reversed from their usual order; the element in the ith row and jth column is Aji (rather than Aij). We therefore see in (26) the transpose of the cofactor matrix [Aij] of then n×n matrix A. The transpose of the cofactor matrix of A is called the adjoint matrix of A and is denoted by


With the aid of this notation, Cramer’s rule as expressed in Eq. (26) can be written in the especially simple form


The fact that the formula in (28) gives the unique solution x of Ax=b implies that


for every n-vector b. If we write


for brevity, then


for every n-vector b. From this it follows (one column at a time, as we use Fact 2 in Section 3.5) that


for every matrix B having n rows. In particular, with B=I (the n×n identity matrix), we see that


Therefore, we have discovered that the matrix C as defined in Eq. (30) is the inverse matrix A1 of A.

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