12.2 Three Perspectives to Derive OSP

Suppose that L is the number of spectral bands and r is an L-dimensional image pixel vector. Assume that there are p targets, img and img denote their corresponding signatures, which are generally referred to as digital numbers (DN). A linear mixture of r models the spectral signature of r as a linear combination of img with appropriate abundance fractions specified by img. More precisely, r is an img column vector and M is an img target spectral signature matrix, denoted by img, where mj is an img column vector represented by the spectral signature of the jth target tj resident in the pixel vector r. Let img be a img abundance column vector associated with r, where αj denotes the abundance fraction of the jth target signature mj present in the pixel vector r.

A classical approach to solving a mixed pixel classification problem is linear unmixing, which assumes that the spectral signature of the pixel vector r is linearly mixed by img, the spectral signatures of the p targets, img as follows:

(12.1) equation

where n is noise or can be interpreted as a measurement or model error.

Equation (12.1) represents a standard model for signal detection in noise as s + n, where is considered as a desired signal vector s = needed to be detected and n is a corrupted noise. Since we are interested in detecting one target at a time, we can divide the set of the p targets, img into a desired target, say tp and a class of undesired targets, img. In this case, a logical approach is to eliminate the effects caused by the undesired targets img that are considered as interferers to tp before the detection of tp takes place. With annihilation of the undesired target signatures, the detectability of tp can therefore be enhanced. In doing so, we refine the signal detection in noise, s + n = + n by first separating mp from img in M and rewrite (12.1) as

(12.2) equation

where img is the desired spectral signature of tp and img is the undesired target spectral signature matrix made up of img that are the spectral signatures of the remaining p − 1 undesired targets. Here, without loss of generality we assume that the desired target is a single target tp and refer (12.2) to the (d,U)-model.

12.2.1 Signal Detection Perspective Derived from (d,U)-Model and OSP-Model

Using the (d,U)-model specified by (12.2) we can design an orthogonal subspace projector to annihilate U from the pixel vector r prior to detection of tp. One such a desired orthogonal subspace projector is derived in Harsanyi and Chang (1994) and given by

(12.3) equation

where img is the pseudo-inverse of U. The notation img indicates that the projector img maps the observed pixel vector r into the orthogonal complement of img, denoted by img.

Applying img to (d,U)-model results in a new signal detection in noise model

(12.4) equation

where the undesired signatures in U have been annihilated and the original noise n has been also suppressed to img. The model specified by (12.4) will be referred to as the OSP-model thereafter in this chapter.

At this point, it is noteworthy to comment on distinction among the three models specified by (12.1), (12.2), and (12.4). The model in (12.1) is a general signal detection in noise model that only separates a signal source from noise n. The (d,U)-model is a signal model derived from the general signal detection in noise model by breaking up the considered signal sources into two types of signal sources d and U provided by prior knowledge. It is a two signal-source (d,U)-model that allows us to deal with these two types of signal sources, d,U separately. The OSP-model is a single desired-signal source (d) detection in noise model derived from the (d,U)-model with the U in the (d,U)-model annihilated by img. Therefore, OSP-model can be considered as a custom-designed signal detection in noise model from (12.1) where the signal and noise sources in (12.1) have been preprocessed by img for signal enhancement as well as noise suppression.

If we operate a linear filter specified by a weighting vector w on the OSP-model, the filter output is given by img. One commonly used optimal criterion is maximization of the filter output SNR over the weighting vector w defined by

(12.5) equation

If we further assume that n is an additive and zero-mean white noise with variance σ2, (12.5) can be further reduced to img where img is an idempotent projector, that is, img (Scharf, 1991). The maximum of SNR(w) in (12.5) over w can be obtained by Schwarz's inequality:

(12.6) equation

where ||x|| is defined by img and the equality holds if and only if img for some constant κ. That is, a linear optimal filter specified by the weighting vector img produces the maximum filter output SNR given by img. Such a filter can be realized by a matched filter, img defined by

(12.7) equation

with the matched signal specified by img. Applying the matched filter img to the OSP-model results in

(12.8) equation

that yields the maximum SNR, img.

Using (12.8) we can design a linear optimal signal detector for (d,U)-model, denoted by δOSPD(r) by first implementing an undesired target signature rejecter img followed by a matched filter img with the matched signal img as follows:

(12.9) equation

that is exactly the one derived in Harsanyi and Chang (1994) with κ = 1.

If δOSPD(r) operates the (d,U)-model in (12.2), then the result is identical to (12.8). This suggests that if the (d,U)-model is used, the optimal linear filter in (12.9) requires two filters, img and Md to achieve maximum SNR compared to a single matched filter img when OSP-model is used with img used as a preprocessing of model (12.1).

12.2.2 Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis Perspective from OSP-Model

The OSP-model described by (12.4) can be also interpreted as a two-class classification problem, signal img and noise img, respectively. Let img and img be the mean vector and covariance matrix of img, and img and img be the mean vector and covariance matrix of img. Let a linear discriminant function y(x) be denoted by a linear form specified by img. Fisher's ratio criterion as Rayleigh quotient defined in Duda and Hart (1973) is given by

(12.10) equation

where img and img are called between-class and within-class scatter matrices, respectively. So, finding the Fisher linear discriminant function img with the weighting vector specified by wFisher is equivalent to maximizing (12.10) over the w, which is in turn to solve the following generalized eigenvalue problem (Stark and Woods, 2002, Theorem 5.5.1, pp. 259–260):

(12.11) equation

If we further assume that the signal img is deterministic and the noise is zero-mean, img, img, img, and img. Equation (12.10) becomes (12.5) and (12.11) is also further reduced to

(12.12) equation

Since the rank of the matrix img in (12.12) is one, the only nonzero eigenvalue is the maximum eigenvalue λmax that turns out to be the solution to (12.12). Now, we substitute img for w in (12.12), (12.5), and (12.10) and obtain

(12.13) equation

(12.14) equation


(12.15) equation

All of these three equations (i.e., (12.1312.15)) produce the same result img. This implies that img is a desired eigenvector that yields the maximum eigenvalue λmax and can be used to solve both (12.10) and (12.12), in which case img becomes wFisher, that is, img. As a result, Fisher's linear discriminant function for (12.10) or (12.12), denoted by δFisher(r), can be derived as

(12.16) equation

The above approach to arriving at the Fisher's discriminant function in (12.16) was the same one actually used by Harsanyi and Chang (1994) to derive the OSP classifier, δOSP(r) given by

(12.17) equation

Interestingly, the solution img obtained from the signal detection perspective is different from OSP solution img and the solution img obtained from Fisher's linear discriminant function in that the undesired target signature projector img appearing in w is absent in wOSP and wFisher. However, if we substitute img for w in (12.12), (12.13)(12.15), we still obtain the same result, img. This implies that both img and img produce the same maximum eigenvalue, img. Therefore, OSP-based signal detector, δOSPD(r) specified by (12.9) is actually δFisher(r) and Harsanyi–Chang's OSP, δOSP(r) specified by (12.16) and (12.17) subject to a constant κ.

It should be also noted that if the between-class scatter matrix and within-class scatter matrix in Fisher's Rayleigh quotient or ratio given in (12.10) are replaced with the data covariance matrix Σ and noise covariance matrix as follows:

(12.18) equation

then using the same assumptions made for (12.12) (i.e., img, img, img and img) maximizing (12.18) over w is identical to solving (12.12) for w. In this case, Fisher's Rayleigh quotient or ratio in (12.10) can be interpreted as SNR.

12.2.3 Parameter Estimation Perspective from OSP-Model

In signal detection the primary task is to detect the desired target tp in noise using (12.1). As shown in the above derivations, using OSP-model specified by (12.4) can improve and increase signal detectability of using (12.1). In pattern classification, the desired target signal tp is discriminated from noise using a between-class scatter matrix/within-class scatter matrix criterion specified by (12.10). Both of these approaches do not intend to estimate its desired signature abundance fraction αp. In this subsection, we look into a least squares (LS) approach to estimating the abundance fraction αp of the desired target signature d. Using OSP-model and least squares error (LSE) as a criterion for optimality, we can show that the LS estimate of αp, img minimizing

(12.19) equation

is also the LS solution to LSMA using (12.1) as a model to perform spectral unmixing.

Differentiating (12.19) with respect to αp and setting it to zero results in

(12.20) equation

that yields the solution to (12.19), denoted by img and given by

(12.21) equation

Comparing img to δOSP(r), there is a scaling constant img appearing in img, but absent in δOSP(r). In other words, (12.17) and (12.21) are related by

(12.22) equation

where the scaling constant img is the consequence of LSE resulting from the estimation problem using the OSP-model in (12.19). This constant is included to account for estimation accuracy, not treated as a normalization constant as commonly assumed.

It should be noted that the approach presented above to re-derive δOSP(r) is different from that developed in (Tu et al., 1997; Chang, 1998, 2003a; Chang et al., 1998), all of which use the oblique subspace projection (Scharf, 1991).

12.2.4 Relationship Between img and Least-Squares Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis

In order to see how img is related to the commonly used LS-LSMA, we minimize the LSE resulting from (12.1) as follows:

(12.23) equation

The LS solution to (12.23), denoted by img is given by Scharf (1991)

(12.24) equation

The major difference between img and img is that the former is a scalar parameter estimate of αp, whereas the latter is a vector parameter estimate of the abundance vector α. It has been shown in Settle (1996) that img can be decomposed as img with

(12.25) equation

where img is the LS estimated abundance vector of img and img. Combining (12.22) and (12.25) results in

(12.26) equation

where img is the pth component of img in (12.25) and also the LS estimate of αp in (12.22). The same argument can be carried out for all other abundance fractions, img. If we let img and img, then

(12.27) equation

where img for img.

Now, we further introduce the jth component projection function 1j defined by

(12.28) equation

then we can rewrite (12.27) as

(12.29) equation

where (12.26) is its particular case.

In light of (12.29), (12.25)(12.28), if img operates on every individual signature with m being the jth signature in M, it becomes the commonly used linear spectral unmixing solution, img. Compared to img that solves for all p abundance fractions as a vector, the advantage of using img over img is conceptually easy to understand and mathematically simple to implement. In other words, if we are interested in detection or estimation of a target signature of particular interest, all we have to do is (1) to designate this target signature as d, (2) to annihilate all signatures other than d in U by img, and (3) to extract d using a matched filter with the matched signature specified by d. This is equivalent to using OSP-model to estimate the abundance fraction of d after the undesired target signatures have been annihilated by img rather than using img to directly estimate the entire abundance fractions img via (12.24). More specifically, if the LS estimation is performed for (12.24) using OSP-model, then (12.24) is reduced to

(12.30) equation

where img is the LS estimate of αj based on the (d,U)-model in (12.2) with d replaced by mj and U set by img. As a consequence, (12.30) is exactly identical to (12.29). Both (12.29) and (12.30) suggest two different ways to estimate the abundance fraction αj for img. In other words, (12.30) first projects the data to the space that is orthogonal to the space linearly spanned by the undesired target signatures in U using img, then LS estimates the abundance fraction of the desired target signature, d. This is actually the approach taken by OSP in (12.17). In contrast, (12.29) is the commonly used LS-LSMA that performs a vector parameter estimation, then uses a projection function defined by (12.28) to yield the abundance fraction of the desired target signature, d. The relationship between these two equations is delivered by (12.28) and (12.30), which were overlooked in the past. This is very important because many subspace-based vector parameter estimation methods can be interpreted by OSP via (12.25)(12.30). A diagram to illustrate relationships among OSP, the least squares OSP and the LS-LSMA is depicted in Figure 12.1 where the abundance fraction αj is estimated.

Figure 12.1 Diagram of relationships among OSP, least-squares OSP and least-squares LSMA.


As a concluding remark, it is worth noting that the idea of using OSP-model to re-derive OSP provides new insights into OSP, particularly, the approaches to linear discriminant analysis and parameter estimation, and the relationship between OSP and the LS-LSMA via OSP-model.

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