Capturing and processing video from a webcam

We will use a webcam in this chapter to capture video data. Let's see how to capture the video from the webcam using OpenCV-Python.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new Python file, and import the following packages:
    import cv2
  2. OpenCV provides a video capture object that we can use to capture images from the webcam. The 0 input argument specifies the ID of the webcam. If you connect a USB camera, then it will have a different ID:
    # Initialize video capture object
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
  3. Define the scaling factor for the frames captured using the webcam:
    # Define the image size scaling factor
    scaling_factor = 0.5
  4. Start an infinite loop and keep capturing frames until you press the Esc key. Read the frame from the webcam:
    # Loop until you hit the Esc key
    while True:
        # Capture the current frame
        ret, frame =
  5. Resizing the frame is optional but still a useful thing to have in your code:
        # Resize the frame
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=scaling_factor, fy=scaling_factor, 
  6. Display the frame:
        # Display the image
        cv2.imshow('Webcam', frame)
  7. Wait for 1 ms before capturing the next frame:
        # Detect if the Esc key has been pressed
        c = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if c == 27:
  8. Release the video capture object:
    # Release the video capture object
  9. Close all active windows before exiting the code:
    # Close all active windows
  10. The full code is given in the file that's already provided to you for reference. If you run this code, you will see the video from the webcam, similar to the following screenshot:
    How to do it…
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