Machine learning with Spark

Here, we arrive at the main task of your job: creating a model to predict one or multiple attributes missing in the dataset. For this, we use some machine learning modeling, and Spark can provide us with a big hand in this context.

MLlib is the Spark machine learning library; although it is built in Scala and Java, its functions are also available in Python. It contains classification, regression, and recommendation learners, some routines for dimensionality reduction and feature selection, and has lots of functionalities for text processing. All of them are able to cope with huge datasets and use the power of all the nodes in the cluster to achieve the goal.

As of now (2016), it's composed of two main packages: mllib, which operates on RDDs, and ml, which operates on DataFrames. As the latter performs well and the most popular way to represent data in data science, developers have chosen to contribute and improve the ml branch, letting the former remain, but without further developments. MLlib seems a complete library at first sight but, after having started using Spark, you will notice that there's neither a statistic nor numerical library in the default package. Here, SciPy and NumPy come to your help, and once again, they're essential for data science!

In this section, we will try to explore the functionalities of the new package; as of now, it's still in the early stages compared to the state-of-the-art Scikit-learn library, but it definitely has a lot of potential for the future.


Spark is a high-level, distributed, and complex software that should be used just on big data and with a cluster of multiple nodes; in fact, if the dataset can fit in-memory, it's more convenient to use other libraries such as Scikit-learn or similar, which focus just on the data science side of the problem. Running Spark on a single node on a small dataset can be five times slower than the Scikit-learn-equivalent algorithm.

Spark on the KDD99 dataset

Let's conduct this exploration using a real-world dataset: the KDD99 dataset. The goal of the competition was to create a network intrusion detection system able to recognize which network flow is malicious and which is not. Moreover, many different attacks are in the dataset; the goal is to accurately predict them using the features of the flow of packets contained in the dataset.

As a side node on the dataset, it has been extremely useful to develop great solutions for intrusion detection systems in the first few years after its release. Nowadays, as an outcome of this, all the attacks included in the dataset are very easy to detect and so it's not used in IDS development anymore.

The features are, for example, the protocol (tcp, icmp, and udp), service (http, smtp, and so on), size of the packets, flags active in the protocol, number of attempts to become root, and so on.


More information about the KDD99 challenge and datasets is available at

Although this is a classic multiclass classification problem, we will dig into it to show you how to perform this task in Spark. To keep things clean, we will use a new IPython Notebook.

Reading the dataset

First at all, let's download and decompress the dataset. We will be very conservative and use just 10% of the original training dataset (75MB, uncompressed) as all our analysis is run on a small virtual machine. If you want to give it a try, you can uncomment the lines in the following snippet of code and download the full training dataset (750MB uncompressed). We download the training dataset, testing (47MB), and feature names, using bash commands:

In:!rm -rf ../datasets/kdd*

# !wget -q -O ../datasets/kddtrain.gz 

!wget -q -O ../datasets/kddtrain.gz

!wget -q -O ../datasets/kddtest.gz

!wget -q -O ../datasets/kddnames

!gunzip ../datasets/kdd*gz

Now, print the first few lines to have an understanding of the format. It is clear that it's a classic CSV without a header, containing a dot at the end of each line. Also, we can see that some fields are numeric but a few of them are textual, and the target variable is contained in the last field:

In:!head -3 ../datasets/kddtrain


To create a DataFrame with named fields, we should first read the header included in the kddnames file. The target field will be named simply target.

After having read and parsed the file, we print the number of features of our problem (remember that the target variable is not a feature) and their first 10 names:

with open('../datasets/kddnames', 'r') as fh:
    header = [line.split(':')[0] 
              for line in][1:]


print "Num features:", len(header)-1
print "First 10:", header[:10]

Out:Num features: 41
First 10: ['duration', 'protocol_type', 'service', 'flag', 'src_bytes', 'dst_bytes', 'land', 'wrong_fragment', 'urgent', 'hot']

Let's now create two separate RDDs—one for the training data and the other for the testing data:

train_rdd = sc.textFile('file:///home/vagrant/datasets/kddtrain')
test_rdd = sc.textFile('file:///home/vagrant/datasets/kddtest')

Now, we need to parse each line of each file to create a DataFrame. First, we split each line of the CSV file into separate fields, and then we cast each numerical value to a floating point and each text value to a string. Finally, we remove the dot at the end of each line.

As the last step, using the createDataFrame method provided by sqlContext, we can create two Spark DataFrames with named columns for both training and testing datasets:

def line_parser(line):

    def piece_parser(piece):
            if "." in piece or piece.isdigit():
                return float(piece)
                return piece

    return [piece_parser(piece) for piece in line[:-1].split(',')]

train_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(, header)

test_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(, header)

So far we've written just RDD transformers; let's introduce an action to see how many observations we have in the datasets and, at the same time, check the correctness of the previous code.

In:print "Train observations:", train_df.count()
print "Test observations:", test_df.count()

Out:Train observations: 494021
Test observations: 311029

Although we're using a tenth of the full KDD99 dataset, we still work on half a million observations. Multiplied by the number of features, 41, we clearly see that we'll be training our classifier on an observation matrix containing more than 20 million values. This is not such a big dataset for Spark (and neither is the full KDD99); developers around the world are already using it on petabytes and billion records. Don't be scared if the numbers seem big: Spark is designed to cope with them!

Now, let's see how it looks on the schema of the DataFrame. Specifically, we want to identify which fields are numeric and which contain strings (note that the result has been truncated for brevity):


 |-- duration: double (nullable = true)
 |-- protocol_type: string (nullable = true)
 |-- service: string (nullable = true)
 |-- flag: string (nullable = true)
 |-- src_bytes: double (nullable = true)
 |-- dst_bytes: double (nullable = true)
 |-- land: double (nullable = true)
 |-- wrong_fragment: double (nullable = true)
 |-- urgent: double (nullable = true)
 |-- hot: double (nullable = true)
 |-- target: string (nullable = true)

Feature engineering

From a visual analysis, only four fields are strings: protocol_type, service, flag, and target (which is the multiclass target label, as expected).

As we will use a tree-based classifier, we want to encode the text of each level to a number for each variable. With Scikit-learn, this operation can be done with a sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder object. It's equivalent in Spark is StringIndexer of the package.

We need to encode four variables with Spark; then we have to chain four StringIndexer objects together in a cascade: each of them will operate on a specific column of the DataFrame, outputting a DataFrame with an additional column (similar to a map operation). The mapping is automatic, ordered by frequency: Spark ranks the count of each level in the selected column, mapping the most popular level to 0, the next to 1, and so on. Note that, with this operation, you will traverse the dataset once to count the occurrences of each level; if you already know the mapping, it would be more effective to broadcast it and use a map operation, as shown at the beginning of this chapter.

Similarly, we could have used a one-hot encoder to generate a numerical observation matrix. In case of a one-hot encoder, we would have had multiple output columns in the DataFrame, one for each level of each categorical feature. For this, Spark offers the class.


More generically, all the classes contained in the package are used to extract, transform, and select features from a DataFrame. All of them read some columns and create some other columns in the DataFrame.

As of Spark 1.6, the feature operations available in Python are contained in the following exhaustive list (all of them can be found in the package). Names should be intuitive, except for a couple of them that will be explained inline or later in the text:

  • For text inputs (ideally):
    • HashingTF and IDF
    • Tokenizer and its regex-based implementation, RegexTokenizer
    • Word2vec
    • StopWordsRemover
    • Ngram
  • For categorical features:
    • StringIndexer and it's inverse encoder, IndexToString
    • OneHotEncoder
    • VectorIndexer (out-of-the-box categorical to numerical indexer)
  • For other inputs:
    • Binarizer
    • PCA
    • PolynomialExpansion
    • Normalizer, StandardScaler, and MinMaxScaler
    • Bucketizer (buckets the values of a feature)
    • ElementwiseProduct (multiplies columns together)
  • Generic:
    • SQLTransformer (implements transformations defined by a SQL statement, referring to DataFrame as a table named __THIS__)
    • RFormula (selects columns using an R-style syntax)
    • VectorAssembler (creates a feature vector from multiple columns)

Going back to the example, we now want to encode the levels in each categorical variable as discrete numbers. As we've explained, for this, we will use a StringIndexer object for each variable. Moreover, we can use an ML Pipeline and set them as stages of it.

Then, to fit all the indexers, you just need to call the fit method of the pipeline. Internally, it will fit all the staged objects sequentially. When it's completed the fit operation, a new object is created and we can refer to it as the fitted pipeline. Calling the transform method of this new object will sequentially call all the staged elements (which are already fitted), each after the previous one is completed. In this snippet of code, you'll see the pipeline in action. Note that transformers compose the pipeline. Therefore, as no actions are present, nothing is actually executed. In the output DataFrame, you'll note four additional columns named the same as the original categorical ones, but with the _cat suffix:

In:from import Pipeline
from import StringIndexer

cols_categorical = ["protocol_type", "service", "flag","target"]
preproc_stages = []

for col in cols_categorical:
    out_col = col + "_cat"
            inputCol=col, outputCol=out_col, handleInvalid="skip"))

pipeline = Pipeline(stages=preproc_stages)
indexer =

train_num_df = indexer.transform(train_df)
test_num_df = indexer.transform(test_df)

Let's investigate the pipeline a bit more. Here, we will see the stages in the pipeline: unfit pipeline and fitted pipeline. Note that there's a big difference between Spark and Scikit-learn: in Scikit-learn, fit and transform are called on the same object, and in Spark, the fit method produces a new object (typically, its name is added with a Model suffix, just as for Pipeline and PipelineModel), where you'll be able to call the transform method. This difference is derived from closures—a fitted object is easy to distribute across processes and the cluster:

In:print pipeline.getStages()
print pipeline
print indexer

[StringIndexer_432c8aca691aaee949b8, StringIndexer_4f10bbcde2452dd1b771, StringIndexer_4aad99dc0a3ff831bea6, StringIndexer_4b369fea07873fc9c2a3]


Let's see how the first observation, that is, the first line in the CSV file, changes after passing through the pipeline. Note that we use an action here, therefore all the stages in the pipeline and in the pipeline model are executed:

In:print "First observation, after the 4 StringIndexers:
print train_num_df.first()

Out:First observation, after the 4 StringIndexers:

Row(duration=0.0, protocol_type=u'tcp', service=u'http', flag=u'SF', src_bytes=181.0, dst_bytes=5450.0, land=0.0, wrong_fragment=0.0, urgent=0.0, hot=0.0, num_failed_logins=0.0, logged_in=1.0, num_compromised=0.0, root_shell=0.0, su_attempted=0.0, num_root=0.0, num_file_creations=0.0, num_shells=0.0, num_access_files=0.0, num_outbound_cmds=0.0, is_host_login=0.0, is_guest_login=0.0, count=8.0, srv_count=8.0, serror_rate=0.0, srv_serror_rate=0.0, rerror_rate=0.0, srv_rerror_rate=0.0, same_srv_rate=1.0, diff_srv_rate=0.0, srv_diff_host_rate=0.0, dst_host_count=9.0, dst_host_srv_count=9.0, dst_host_same_srv_rate=1.0, dst_host_diff_srv_rate=0.0, dst_host_same_src_port_rate=0.11, dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate=0.0, dst_host_serror_rate=0.0, dst_host_srv_serror_rate=0.0, dst_host_rerror_rate=0.0, dst_host_srv_rerror_rate=0.0, target=u'normal', protocol_type_cat=1.0, service_cat=2.0, flag_cat=0.0, target_cat=2.0)

The resulting DataFrame looks very complete and easy to understand: all the variables have names and values. We immediately note that the categorical features are still there, for instance, we have both protocol_type (categorical) and protocol_type_cat (the numerical version of the variable mapped from categorical).

Extracting some columns from the DataFrame is as easy as using SELECT in a SQL query. Let's now build a list of names for all the numerical features: starting from the names found in the header, we remove the categorical ones and replace them with the numerically-derived. Finally, as we want just the features, we remove the target variable and its numerical-derived equivalent:

In:features_header = set(header) 
                - set(cols_categorical) 
                | set([c + "_cat" for c in cols_categorical]) 
                - set(["target", "target_cat"])
features_header = list(features_header)
print features_header
print "Total numerical features:", len(features_header)

Out:['num_access_files', 'src_bytes', 'srv_count', 'num_outbound_cmds', 'rerror_rate', 'urgent', 'protocol_type_cat', 'dst_host_same_srv_rate', 'duration', 'dst_host_diff_srv_rate', 'srv_serror_rate', 'is_host_login', 'wrong_fragment', 'serror_rate', 'num_compromised', 'is_guest_login', 'dst_host_rerror_rate', 'dst_host_srv_serror_rate', 'hot', 'dst_host_srv_count', 'logged_in', 'srv_rerror_rate', 'dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate', 'srv_diff_host_rate', 'dst_host_same_src_port_rate', 'root_shell', 'service_cat', 'su_attempted', 'dst_host_count', 'num_file_creations', 'flag_cat', 'count', 'land', 'same_srv_rate', 'dst_bytes', 'num_shells', 'dst_host_srv_rerror_rate', 'num_root', 'diff_srv_rate', 'num_failed_logins', 'dst_host_serror_rate']
Total numerical features: 41

Here, the VectorAssembler class comes to our help to build the feature matrix. We just need to pass the columns to be selected as argument and the new column to be created in the DataFrame. We decide that the output column will be named simply features. We apply this transformation to both training and testing sets, and then we select just the two columns that we're interested in—features and target_cat:

In:from import VectorAssembler

assembler = VectorAssembler(

Xy_train = (assembler
                .select("features", "target_cat"))
Xy_test = (assembler
                .select("features", "target_cat"))

Also, the default behavior of VectorAssembler is to produce either DenseVectors or SparseVectors. In this case, as the vector of features contains many zeros, it returns a sparse vector. To see what's inside the output, we can print the first line. Note that this is an action. Consequently, the job is executed before getting a result printed:


Out:Row(features=SparseVector(41, {1: 181.0, 2: 8.0, 6: 1.0, 7: 1.0, 20: 9.0, 21: 1.0, 25: 0.11, 27: 2.0, 29: 9.0, 31: 8.0, 33: 1.0, 39: 5450.0}), target_cat=2.0)

Training a learner

Finally, we're arrived at the hot piece of the task: training a classifier. Classifiers are contained in the package and, for this example, we're using a random forest.

As of Spark 1.6, the extensive list of classifiers using a Python interface are as follows:

  • Classification (the package):
    • LogisticRegression
    • DecisionTreeClassifier
    • GBTClassifier (a Gradient Boosted implementation for classification based on decision trees)
    • RandomForestClassifier
    • NaiveBayes
    • MultilayerPerceptronClassifier

Note that not all of them are capable of operating on multiclass problems and may have different parameters; always check the documentation related to the version in use. Beyond classifiers, the other learners implemented in Spark 1.6 with a Python interface are as follows:

  • Clustering (the package):
    • KMeans
  • Regression (the package):
    • AFTSurvivalRegression (Accelerated Failure Time Survival regression)
    • DecisionTreeRegressor
    • GBTRegressor (a Gradient Boosted implementation for regression based on regression trees)
    • IsotonicRegression
    • LinearRegression
    • RandomForestRegressor
  • Recommender (the package):
    • ALS (collaborative filtering recommender, based on Alternating Least Squares)

Let's go back to the goal of the KDD99 challenge. Now it's time to instantiate a random forest classifier and set its parameters. The parameters to set are featuresCol (the column containing the feature matrix), labelCol (the column of the DataFrame containing the target label), seed (the random seed to make the experiment replicable), and maxBins (the maximum number of bins to use for the splitting point in each node of the tree). The default value for the number of trees in the forest is 20, and each tree is maximum five levels deep. Moreover, by default, this classifier creates three output columns in the DataFrame: rawPrediction (to store the prediction score for each possible label), probability (to store the likelihood of each label), and prediction (the most probable label):

In:from import RandomForestClassifier

clf = RandomForestClassifier(
    labelCol="target_cat", featuresCol="features", 
    maxBins=100, seed=101)
fit_clf =

Even in this case, the trained classifier is a different object. Exactly as before, the trained classifier is named the same as the classifier with the Model suffix:

In:print clf
print fit_clf

RandomForestClassificationModel (uid=rfc_44b551671c42) with 20 trees

On the trained classifier object, that is, RandomForestClassificationModel, it's possible to call the transform method. Now we predict the label on both the training and test datasets and print the first line of the test dataset; as set in the classifier, the predictions will be found in the column named prediction:

In:Xy_pred_train = fit_clf.transform(Xy_train)
Xy_pred_test = fit_clf.transform(Xy_test)

In:print "First observation after classification stage:"
print Xy_pred_test.first()

Out:First observation after classification stage:
Row(features=SparseVector(41, {1: 105.0, 2: 1.0, 6: 2.0, 7: 1.0, 20: 254.0, 27: 1.0, 29: 255.0, 31: 1.0, 33: 1.0, 35: 0.01, 39: 146.0}), target_cat=2.0, rawPrediction=DenseVector([0.0109, 0.0224, 19.7655, 0.0123, 0.0099, 0.0157, 0.0035, 0.0841, 0.05, 0.0026, 0.007, 0.0052, 0.002, 0.0005, 0.0021, 0.0007, 0.0013, 0.001, 0.0007, 0.0006, 0.0011, 0.0004, 0.0005]), probability=DenseVector([0.0005, 0.0011, 0.9883, 0.0006, 0.0005, 0.0008, 0.0002, 0.0042, 0.0025, 0.0001, 0.0004, 0.0003, 0.0001, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, 0.0]), prediction=2.0)

Evaluating a learner's performance

The next step in any data science task is to check the performance of the learner on the training and testing sets. For this task, we will use the F1 score as it's a good metric that merges precision and recall performances.

Evaluation metrics are enclosed in the package; among the few choices, we're using the one to evaluate multiclass classifiers: MulticlassClassificationEvaluator. As parameters, we're providing the metric (precision, recall, accuracy, f1 score, and so on) and the name of the columns containing the true label and predicted label:

from import MulticlassClassificationEvaluator

evaluator = MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(
    labelCol="target_cat", predictionCol="prediction", 

print "F1-score train set:", evaluator.evaluate(Xy_pred_train)
print "F1-score test set:", evaluator.evaluate(Xy_pred_test)

Out:F1-score train set: 0.992356962712
F1-score test set: 0.967512379842

Obtained values are pretty high, and there's a big difference between the performance on the training set and the testing set.

Beyond the evaluator for multiclass classifiers, an evaluator object for regressor (where the metric can be MSE, RMSE, R2, or MAE) and binary classifiers are available in the same package.

The power of the ML pipeline

So far, we've built and displayed the output piece by piece. It's also possible to put all the operations in cascade and set them as stages of a pipeline. In fact, we can chain together what we've seen so far (the four label encoders, vector builder, and classifier) in a standalone pipeline, fit it on the training dataset, and finally use it on the test dataset to obtain the predictions.

This way to operate is more effective, but you'll lose the exploratory power of the step-by-step analysis. Readers who are data scientists are advised to use end-to-end pipelines only when they are completely sure of what's going on inside and only to build production models.

To show that the pipeline is equivalent to what we've seen so far, we compute the F1 score on the test set and print it. Unsurprisingly, it's exactly the same value:

In:full_stages = preproc_stages + [assembler, clf]
full_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=full_stages)
full_model =
predictions = full_model.transform(test_df)
print "F1-score test set:", evaluator.evaluate(predictions)

Out:F1-score test set: 0.967512379842

On the driver node, the one running the IPython Notebook, we can also use the matplotlib library to visualize the results of our analysis. For example, to show a normalized confusion matrix of the classification results (normalized by the support of each class), we can create the following function:

In:import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

def plot_confusion_matrix(cm):
    cm_normalized = 
        cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        cm_normalized, interpolation='nearest',
    plt.title('Normalized Confusion matrix')
    plt.ylabel('True label')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

Spark is able to build a confusion matrix, but that method is in the pyspark.mllib package. In order to be able to use the methods in this package, we have to transform the DataFrame into an RDD using the .rdd method:

In:from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import MulticlassMetrics

metrics = MulticlassMetrics("prediction", "target_cat").rdd)
conf_matrix = metrics.confusionMatrix()tArray()

The power of the ML pipeline

Manual tuning

Although the F1 score was close to 0.97, the normalized confusion matrix shows that the classes are strongly unbalanced and the classifier has just learned how to classify the most popular ones properly. To improve the results, we can resample each class, trying to balance the training dataset better.

First, let's count how many cases there are in the training dataset for each class:

train_composition = train_df.groupBy("target").count().rdd.collectAsMap()

{u'back': 2203,
 u'buffer_overflow': 30,
 u'ftp_write': 8,
 u'guess_passwd': 53,
 u'neptune': 107201,
 u'nmap': 231,
 u'normal': 97278,
 u'perl': 3,
 u'warezmaster': 20}

This is clear evidence of a strong imbalance. We can try to improve the performance by oversampling rare classes and subsampling too popular classes.

In this example, we will create a training dataset, where each class is represented at least 1,000 times, but up to 25,000. For this, let's first create the subsampling/oversampling rate and broadcast it throughout the cluster, and then flatMap each line of the training dataset to resample it properly:

def set_sample_rate_between_vals(cnt, the_min, the_max):
    if the_min <= cnt <= the_max:
        # no sampling
        return 1

    elif cnt < the_min:
        # Oversampling: return many times the same observation
        return the_min/float(cnt)

        # Subsampling: sometime don't return it
        return the_max/float(cnt)

sample_rates = {k:set_sample_rate_between_vals(v, 1000, 25000) 
                for k,v in train_composition.iteritems()} 

Out:{u'back': 1,
 u'buffer_overflow': 33.333333333333336,
 u'ftp_write': 125.0,
 u'guess_passwd': 18.867924528301888,
 u'neptune': 0.23320677978750198,
 u'nmap': 4.329004329004329,
 u'normal': 0.2569954152017928,
 u'perl': 333.3333333333333,
 u'warezmaster': 50.0}

In:bc_sample_rates = sc.broadcast(sample_rates)

def map_and_sample(el, rates):
    rate = rates.value[el['target']]
    if rate > 1:
        return [el]*int(rate)
        import random
        return [el] if random.random() < rate else []

sampled_train_df = (train_df
                     lambda x: map_and_sample(x, bc_sample_rates))

The resampled dataset in the sampled_train_df DataFrame variable is also cached; we will use it many times during the hyperparameter optimization step. It should easily fit in-memory as the number of lines is lower than the original one:



To get an idea of what's inside, we can print the first line. Pretty quick to print the value, isn't it? Of course, it's cached!


Out:Row(duration=0.0, protocol_type=u'tcp', service=u'http', flag=u'SF', src_bytes=217.0, dst_bytes=2032.0, land=0.0, wrong_fragment=0.0, urgent=0.0, hot=0.0, num_failed_logins=0.0, logged_in=1.0, num_compromised=0.0, root_shell=0.0, su_attempted=0.0, num_root=0.0, num_file_creations=0.0, num_shells=0.0, num_access_files=0.0, num_outbound_cmds=0.0, is_host_login=0.0, is_guest_login=0.0, count=6.0, srv_count=6.0, serror_rate=0.0, srv_serror_rate=0.0, rerror_rate=0.0, srv_rerror_rate=0.0, same_srv_rate=1.0, diff_srv_rate=0.0, srv_diff_host_rate=0.0, dst_host_count=49.0, dst_host_srv_count=49.0, dst_host_same_srv_rate=1.0, dst_host_diff_srv_rate=0.0, dst_host_same_src_port_rate=0.02, dst_host_srv_diff_host_rate=0.0, dst_host_serror_rate=0.0, dst_host_srv_serror_rate=0.0, dst_host_rerror_rate=0.0, dst_host_srv_rerror_rate=0.0, target=u'normal')

Let's now use the pipeline that we created to make some predictions and print the F1 score of this new solution:

In:full_model =
predictions = full_model.transform(test_df)
print "F1-score test set:", evaluator.evaluate(predictions)

Out:F1-score test set: 0.967413322985

Test it on a classifier of 50 trees. To do so, we can build another pipeline (named refined_pipeline) and substitute the final stage with the new classifier. Performances seem the same even if the training set has been slashed in size:

In:clf = RandomForestClassifier(
    numTrees=50, maxBins=100, seed=101,
    labelCol="target_cat", featuresCol="features")

stages = full_pipeline.getStages()[:-1]

refined_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=stages)

refined_model =
predictions = refined_model.transform(test_df)
print "F1-score test set:", evaluator.evaluate(predictions)

Out:F1-score test set: 0.969943901769


We can go forward with manual optimization and find the right model after having exhaustively tried many different configurations. Doing that, it would lead to both an immense waste of time (and reusability of the code) and will overfit the test dataset. Cross-validation is instead the correct key to run the hyperparameter optimization. Let's now see how Spark performs this crucial task.

First of all, as the training will be used many times, we can cache it. Let's therefore cache it after all the transformations:

In:pipeline_to_clf = Pipeline(
    stages=preproc_stages + [assembler]).fit(sampled_train_df)
train = pipeline_to_clf.transform(sampled_train_df).cache()
test = pipeline_to_clf.transform(test_df)

The useful classes for hyperparameter optimization with-cross validation are contained in the package. Two elements are essential: a grid map of parameters (that can be built with ParamGridBuilder) and the actual cross-validation procedure (run by the CrossValidator class).

In the example, we want to set some parameters of our classifier that won't change throughout the cross-validation. Exactly as with Scikit-learn, they're set when the classification object is created (in this case, column names, seed, and maximum number of bins).

Then, thanks to the grid builder, we decide which arguments should be changed for each iteration of the cross-validation algorithm. In the example, we want to check the classification performance changing the maximum depth of each tree in the forest from 3 to 12 (incrementing by 3) and the number of trees in the forest to 20 or 50.

Finally, we launch the cross-validation (with the fit method) after having set the grid map, classifier that we want to test, and number of folds. The parameter evaluator is essential: it will tell us which is the best model to keep after the cross-validation. Note that this operation may take 15-20 minutes to run (under the hood, 4*2*3=24 models are trained and tested):

from import ParamGridBuilder, CrossValidator

rf = RandomForestClassifier(
    cacheNodeIds=True, seed=101, labelCol="target_cat", 
    featuresCol="features", maxBins=100)

grid = (ParamGridBuilder() 
        .addGrid(rf.maxDepth, [3, 6, 9, 12]) 
        .addGrid(rf.numTrees, [20, 50]) 

cv = CrossValidator(
    estimator=rf, estimatorParamMaps=grid, 
    evaluator=evaluator, numFolds=3)
cvModel =

Finally, we can predict the label using the cross-validated model as we're using a pipeline or classifier by itself. In this case, the performances of the classifier chosen with cross-validation are slightly better than in the previous case and allow us to beat the 0.97 barrier:

In:predictions = cvModel.transform(test)
print "F1-score test set:", evaluator.evaluate(predictions)

Out:F1-score test set: 0.97058134007

Furthermore, by plotting the normalized confusion matrix, you immediately realize that this solution is able to discover a wider variety of attacks, even the less popular ones:

In:metrics = MulticlassMetrics(
        "prediction", "target_cat").rdd)
conf_matrix = metrics.confusionMa().toArray()


Final cleanup

Here, we are at the end of the classification task. Remember to remove all the variables that you've used and the temporary table that you've created from the cache:


After the Spark memory is cleared, we can turn off the Notebook.

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