K-means with H2O

Here, we're comparing the K-means implementation of H2O with Scikit-learn. More specifically, we will run the mini-batch experiment using H2OKMeansEstimator, the object for K-means available in H2O. The setup is similar to the one shown in the PCA with H2O section, and the experiment is the same as seen in the preceding section:

In:import h2o
from h2o.estimators.kmeans import H2OKMeansEstimator

def testH2O_kmeans(X, k):

    temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
    np.savetxt(temp_file, np.c_[X], delimiter=",")

    cls = H2OKMeansEstimator(k=k, standardize=True)
    blobdata = h2o.import_file(temp_file) 

    tik = time.time()
    cls.train(x=range(blobdata.ncol), training_frame=blobdata)
    fit_time = time.time() - tik


    return fit_time

piece_of_dataset = pd.read_csv(census_csv_file, iterator=True).get_chunk(500000).drop('caseid', axis=1).as_matrix()
time_results = {4: [], 8:[], 12:[]}
dataset_sizes = [20000, 200000, 500000]

for dataset_size in dataset_sizes:
    print "Dataset size:", dataset_size
    X = piece_of_dataset[:dataset_size,:]

    for K in [4, 8, 12]:
        print "K:", K
        fit_time = testH2O_kmeans(X, K)

plt.plot(dataset_sizes, time_results[4], 'r', label='K=4')
plt.plot(dataset_sizes, time_results[8], 'g', label='K=8')
plt.plot(dataset_sizes, time_results[12], 'b', label='K=12')

plt.xlabel("Training set size")
plt.ylabel("Training time")

testH2O_kmeans(100000, 100)


K-means with H2O

Thanks to the H2O architecture, its implementation of K-means is very fast and scalable and able to perform the clustering of the 500K point datasets in less than 30 seconds for all the selected Ks.

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