Tackling class imbalance

Until now, we dealt with problems where we had a similar number of datapoints in all our classes. In the real world, we might not be able to get data in such an orderly fashion. Sometimes, the number of datapoints in one class is a lot more than the number of datapoints in other classes. If this happens, then the classifier tends to get biased. The boundary won't reflect of the true nature of your data just because there is a big difference in the number of datapoints between the two classes. Therefore, it becomes important to account for this discrepancy and neutralize it so that our classifier remains impartial.

How to do it…

  1. Let's load the data:
    input_file = 'data_multivar_imbalance.txt'
    X, y = utilities.load_data(input_file)
  2. Let's visualize the data. The code for visualization is exactly the same as it was in the previous recipe. You can also find it in the file named svm_imbalance.py already provided to you. If you run it, you will see the following figure:
    How to do it…
  3. Let's build an SVM with a linear kernel. The code is the same as it was in the previous recipe. If you run it, you will see the following figure:
    How to do it…
  4. You might wonder why there's no boundary here! Well, this is because the classifier is unable to separate the two classes at all, resulting in 0% accuracy for Class-0. You will also see a classification report printed on your Terminal, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it…

    As we expected, Class-0 has 0% precision.

  5. Let's go ahead and fix this! In the Python file, search for the following line:
    params = {'kernel': 'linear'} 

    Replace the preceding line with the following:

    params = {'kernel': 'linear', 'class_weight': 'auto'} 

    The class_weight parameter will count the number of datapoints in each class to adjust the weights so that the imbalance doesn't adversely affect the performance.

  6. You will get the following figure once you run this code:
    How to do it…
  7. Let's look at the classification report, as follows:
    How to do it…

As we can see, Class-0 is now detected with nonzero percentage accuracy.

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