Building a single layer neural network

Now that we know how to create a perceptron, let's create a single layer neural network. A single layer neural network consists of multiple neurons in a single layer. Overall, we will have an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new Python file, and import the following packages:
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import neurolab as nl 
  2. We will use the data in the data_single_layer.txt file. Let's load this:
    # Define input data
    input_file = 'data_single_layer.txt'
    input_text = np.loadtxt(input_file)
    data = input_text[:, 0:2]
    labels = input_text[:, 2:]
  3. Let's plot the input data:
    # Plot input data
    plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1])
    plt.title('Input data')
  4. Let's extract the minimum and maximum values:
    # Min and max values for each dimension
    x_min, x_max = data[:,0].min(), data[:,0].max()
    y_min, y_max = data[:,1].min(), data[:,1].max()
  5. Let's define a single layer neural network with two neurons in the hidden layer:
    # Define a single-layer neural network with 2 neurons;
    # Each element in the list (first argument) specifies the 
    # min and max values of the inputs
    single_layer_net =[[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]], 2)
  6. Train the neural network until 50 epochs:
    # Train the neural network
    error = single_layer_net.train(data, labels, epochs=50, show=20, lr=0.01)
  7. Plot the results, as follows:
    # Plot results
    plt.xlabel('Number of epochs')
    plt.ylabel('Training error')
    plt.title('Training error progress')
  8. Let's test the neural network on new test data:
    print single_layer_net.sim([[0.3, 4.5]])
    print single_layer_net.sim([[4.5, 0.5]])
    print single_layer_net.sim([[4.3, 8]])
  9. The full code is in the file that's already provided to you. If you run this code, you will see two figures. The first figure displays the input data:
    How to do it…

    The second figure displays the training error progress:

    How to do it…

    You will see the following printed on your Terminal, indicating where the input test points belong:

    [[ 0.  0.]]
    [[ 1.  0.]]
    [[ 1.  1.]]

    You can verify that the outputs are correct based on our labels.

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