Chapter 3. Fast SVM Implementations

Having experimented with online-style learning in the previous chapter, you may have been surprised by its simplicity yet effectiveness and scalability in comparison to batch learning. In spite of learning just one example at a time, SGD can approximate the results well as if all the data resides in the core memory and you were using a batch algorithm. All you need is that your stream be indeed stochastic (there are no trends in data) and that the learner is tuned well to the problem (the learning rate is often the key parameter to be fixed).

Anyway, examining such achievements closely, the results are still just comparable to batch linear models but not to learners that are more sophisticated and characterized by higher variance than bias, such as SVMs, neural networks, or bagging and boosting ensembles of decision trees.

For certain problems, such as tall and wide but sparse data, just linear combinations may be enough according to the observation that a simple algorithm with more data often wins over more complex ones trained on less data. Yet, even using linear models and by resorting to explicitly mapping existing features into higher-dimensionality ones (using different order of interactions, polynomial expansions, and kernel approximations), we can accelerate and improve the learning of complex nonlinear relationships between the response and features.

In this chapter, we will therefore first introduce linear SVMs as a machine learning algorithm alternative to linear models, powered by a different approach to the problem of learning from data. Then, we will demonstrate how we can create richer features from the existing ones in order to solve our machine learning tasks in a better way when facing large scale data, especially tall data (that is, datasets having many cases to learn from).

In summary, in this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Introducing SVMs and providing you with the basic concepts and math formulas to figure out how they work
  • Proposing SGD with hinge loss as a viable solution for large scale tasks that uses the same optimization approach as the batch SVM
  • Suggesting nonlinear approximations to accompany SGD
  • Offering an overview of other large scale online solutions besides SGD algorithm made available by Scikit-learn

Datasets to experiment with on your own

As in the previous chapter, we will be using datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, in particular the bike-sharing dataset (a regression problem) and Forest Covertype Data (a multiclass classification problem).

If you have not done so before or if you need to download both the datasets again, you will need a couple of functions defined in the Datasets to try the real thing yourself section of Chapter 2, Scalable Learning in Scikit-learn. The needed functions are unzip_from_UCI and gzip_from_UCI. Both have a Python connect to the UCI repository; download a compressed file and unzip it in the working Python directory. If you call the functions from an IPython cell, you will find the necessary new directories and files exactly where IPython will look for them.

In case the functions do not work for you, never mind; we will provide you with the link for a direct download. After that, all you will have to do is unpack the data in the current working Python directory, which you can discover by running the following command on your Python interface (IPython or any IDE):

In: import os
print "Current directory is: "%s"" % (os.getcwd())

Out: Current directory is: "C:scisoftWinPython-64bit-
otebooksPackt - Large Scale"

The bike-sharing dataset

The dataset comprises of two files in CSV format containing the hourly and daily count of bikes rented in the years between 2011 and 2012 within the Capital bike-share system in Washington D.C., USA. As a reminder, the data features the corresponding weather and seasonal information regarding the day of the rental.

The following code snippet will save the dataset on the local hard disk using the convenient unzip_from_UCI wrapper function:

In: UCI_url = ''
unzip_from_UCI(UCI_url, dest='bikesharing')

Out: Extracting in C:scisoftWinPython-64bit-
    unzipping day.csv
    unzipping hour.csv

If run successfully, the code will indicate in what directory the CSV files have been saved and print the names of both the unzipped files. If unsuccessful, just download the file from and unzip the two files, day.csv and hour.csv, in a directory named bikesharing that you previously created in your Python working directory.

The covertype dataset

Donated by Jock A. Blackard, Dr. Denis J. Dean, Dr. Charles W. Anderson, and the Colorado State University, the covertype dataset contains 581,012 examples and a series of 54 cartographic variables, ranging from elevation to soil type, expected to be able to predict the forest cover type, which comprises seven kinds (so this is a multiclass problem). In order to assure comparability with academic studies on the same data, instructions recommend using the first 11,340 records for the training, the next 3,780 records for validation, and finally the remaining 565,892 records as test examples:

In: UCI_url = ''

In case of problems in running the code or if you prefer to prepare the file by yourself, just go to the UCI website, download the dataset from, and unpack it into the directory that Python is currently working on.

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