Finding similar users in the dataset

One of the most important tasks in building a recommendation engine is finding users that are similar. This guides in creating the recommendations that will be provided to these users. Let's see how to build this.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new Python file, and import the following packages:
    import json
    import numpy as np
    from pearson_score import pearson_score
  2. Let's define a function to find similar users to the input user. It takes three input arguments: the database, input user, and the number of similar users that we are looking for. Our first step is to check whether the user is present in the database. If the user exists, we need to compute the Pearson correlation score between this user and all the other users in the database:
    # Finds a specified number of users who are similar to the input user
    def find_similar_users(dataset, user, num_users):
        if user not in dataset:
            raise TypeError('User ' + user + ' not present in the dataset')
        # Compute Pearson scores for all the users
        scores = np.array([[x, pearson_score(dataset, user, x)] for x in dataset if user != x])
  3. The next step is to sort these scores in descending order:
        # Sort the scores based on second column
        scores_sorted = np.argsort(scores[:, 1])
        # Sort the scores in decreasing order (highest score first) 
        scored_sorted_dec = scores_sorted[::-1]
  4. Let's extract the k top scores and return them:
        # Extract top 'k' indices
        top_k = scored_sorted_dec[0:num_users] 
        return scores[top_k] 
  5. Let's define the main function and load the input database:
    if __name__=='__main__':
        data_file = 'movie_ratings.json'
        with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
            data = json.loads(
  6. We want to find three similar users to, for example, John Carson. We do this using the following steps:
        user = 'John Carson'
        print "
    Users similar to " + user + ":
        similar_users = find_similar_users(data, user, 3) 
        print "User			Similarity score
        for item in similar_users:
            print item[0], '		', round(float(item[1]), 2)
  7. If you run this code, you will see the following printed on your Terminal:
    How to do it…
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