Extracting statistics from time series data

One of the main reasons that we want to analyze time series data is to extract interesting statistics from it. This provides a lot of information regarding the nature of the data. In this recipe, we will take a look at how to extract these stats.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new Python file, and import the following packages:
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from convert_to_timeseries import convert_data_to_timeseries
  2. We will use the same text file that we used in the previous recipes for analysis:
    # Input file containing data
    input_file = 'data_timeseries.txt'
  3. Load both the data columns (third and fourth columns):
    # Load data
    data1 = convert_data_to_timeseries(input_file, 2)
    data2 = convert_data_to_timeseries(input_file, 3)
  4. Create a pandas data structure to hold this data. This dataframe is like a dictionary that has keys and values:
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'first': data1, 'second': data2})
  5. Let's start extracting some stats now. To extract the maximum and minimum values, use the following code:
    # Print max and min
    print '
    ', dataframe.max()
    print '
    ', dataframe.min()
  6. To print the mean values of your data or just the row-wise mean, use the following code:
    # Print mean
    print '
    ', dataframe.mean()
    print '
    Mean row-wise:
    ', dataframe.mean(1)[:10]
  7. The rolling mean is an important statistic that's used a lot in time series processing. One of the most famous applications is smoothing a signal to remove noise. Rolling mean refers to computing the mean of a signal in a window that keeps sliding on the time scale. Let's consider a window size of 24 and plot this, as follows:
    # Plot rolling mean
    pd.rolling_mean(dataframe, window=24).plot()
  8. Correlation coefficients are useful in understanding the nature of the data, as follows:
    # Print correlation coefficients
    print '
    Correlation coefficients:
    ', dataframe.corr()
  9. Let's plot this using a window size of 60:
    # Plot rolling correlation
    pd.rolling_corr(dataframe['first'], dataframe['second'], window=60).plot()
  10. The full code is given in the extract_stats.py file that is already provided to you. If you run the code, the rolling mean will look like the following:
    How to do it…
  11. The second output figure indicates the rolling correlation:
    How to do it…
  12. In the upper half of the Terminal, you will see max, min, and mean values printed, as shown in the following image:
    How to do it…
  13. In the lower half of the Terminal, you will see the row-wise mean stats and correlation coefficients printed, as seen in the following image:
    How to do it…
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