Chapter 8. Ensemble Methods

As we progressed through the earlier chapters of this book, you learned how to apply a number of new techniques. We developed our use of several advanced machine learning algorithms and acquired a broad range of companion techniques used to enhance your use of learning techniques via more effective feature selection and preparation. This chapter seeks to enhance your existing technique set using ensemble methods: techniques that bind multiple different models together to solve a real-world problem.

Ensemble techniques have become a fundamental part of the data scientist's toolset. The use of ensembles has become common practice in competitive machine learning contexts, and ensembles are now considered an indispensable tool in many contexts. The techniques that we'll develop in this chapter give our models an edge in performance, while increasing their robustness to underlying data change.

We'll examine a series of ensembling options, discussing both the code and application of these techniques. We'll color this explanation with guidance and reference to real-world applications, including the models created by successful Kagglers.

The development of any of the models that we reviewed in this title allows us to solve a wide range of data problems, but applying our models to production contexts raises an additional set of problems. Our solutions are still vulnerable to changes in the underlying observations. Whether this is expressed in a different population of individuals, in temporal variations (for example, seasonal changes in the phenomenon being captured) or by other changes to the underlying conditions, the end result is often the same—the models that worked well in the conditions they were trained against are frequently unable to generalize and continue to perform well as time passes.

The final section of this chapter describes methodologies to transfer the techniques from this book to operational environments and the kinds of additional monitoring and support you should consider if your intended applications have to be resilient to change.

Introducing ensembles


"This is how you win ML competitions: you take other peoples' work and ensemble them together."

 --Vitaly Kuznetsov NIPS2014

In the context of machine learning, an ensemble is a set of models that is used to solve a shared problem. An ensemble is made up of two components: a set of models and a set of decision rules that govern how the results of those models are combined into a single output.

Ensembles offer a data scientist the ability to construct multiple solutions for a given problem and then combine these into a single final result that draws from the best elements of each input solution. This provides robustness against noise, which is reflected in more effective training against an initial dataset (leading to lower levels of overfitting and reductions in training error) and against data change of the kinds discussed in the preceding section.

It is no exaggeration to say that ensembles are the most important recent development in machine learning.

In addition, ensembles enable greater flexibility in how one solves for a given problem, in that they enable the data scientist to test different parts of a solution and resolve issues specific to subsets of the input data or parts of the models in use, without completely retuning the whole model. As we'll see, this can make life easier!

Ensembles are typically considered as falling into one of several classes, based on the nature of the decision rules used. The key ensemble types are as follows:

  • Averaging methods: They develop models in parallel and then use averaging or voting techniques to develop a combined estimator
  • Stacking (or Blending) methods: They use the weighted output of multiple classifiers as inputs to a next-layer model
  • Boosting methods: They involve building models in sequence where each added model aims to improve the score of the combined estimator

Given the importance and utility of both of these classes of the ensemble method, we'll treat each one in turn: discussing theory, algorithm options, and real-world examples.

Understanding averaging ensembles

Averaging ensembles have a long and rich history in the physical sciences and statistical modeling, seeing a common application in many contexts including molecular dynamics and audio signal processing. Such ensembles are typically seen as almost exactly replicated cases of a given system. The average (mean) values of and variance between cases in this system are key values for the system as a whole.

In a machine learning context, an averaging ensemble is a collection of models that train on the same dataset, whose results are aggregated in a range of ways. Depending on implementation goals, an averaging ensemble can bring several benefits.

Averaging ensembles can be used to reduce the variability of a model's performance. One common method involves creating multiple model configurations that take different parameter subsets as input. Techniques that take this approach are referred to collectively as bagging algorithms.

Using bagging algorithms

Different bagging implementations will operate differently but share the common property of taking random subsets of the feature space. There are four main types of the bagging approach. Pasting draws random subsets of the samples without replacement. When this is done with replacement, then the approach is simply called bagging. Pasting is typically computationally cheaper than bagging and can yield similar results in simpler applications.

When samples are taken feature-wise, the method is known as random subspaces. Random subspace methods provide a slightly different capability; they essentially reduce the need for extensive, highly optimized feature selection. Where such activities typically lead to a single model with optimized input, random subspaces allow the use of multiple configurations in parallel, with a flattening of the variance of any one solution.


While the use of an ensemble to reduce the variability in model performance may sound like a performance hit (the natural response might be but why not just pick the single best performing model in the ensemble?), there are big advantages to this approach.

Firstly, as discussed, averaging improves the ability of your model set to adapt to unfamiliar noise (that is, it reduces overfitting). Secondly, an ensemble can be used to target different elements of the input dataset to model effectively. This is a common approach in competitive machine learning contexts, where a data scientist will iteratively adjust the ensemble based on the results of classification and particular types of failure cases. In some cases, this is an exhaustive process involving the inspection of model results (commonly as part of a normal, iterative model development process) but many data scientists prefer techniques or a solution that they will implement first.

Random subspaces can be a very powerful approach, particularly if it's possible to use multiple subspace sizes and exhaustively check feature combinations. The cost of random subspace methods increases nonlinearly with the size of your dataset and, beyond a certain point, it will become costly to test every configuration of parameters for multiple subspace sizes.

Finally, an ensemble's estimators may be created from subsets drawn from both samples and features, in a method known as random patches. On a like-for-like case, the performance of random patches is usually around the same level as that of random subspace techniques with significantly reduced memory consumption.

As we've discussed the theory behind bagging ensembles, let's look at how we go about implementing one. The following code describes a random patches classifier implemented using sklearn's BaggingClassifier class:

from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale

digits = load_digits()
data = scale(
X = data
y =

bagging = BaggingClassifier(KNeighborsClassifier(), max_samples=0.5, max_features=0.5)
scores = cross_val_score(bagging, X, y)
mean = scores.mean() 

As with many sklearn classifiers, the core code needed is very straightforward; the classifier is initialized and used to score the dataset. Cross-validation (via cross_val_score) adds no meaningful complexity.

This bagging classifier used a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier (KNeighboursClassifier) as a base, with feature-wise and case-wise sampling rates each set to 50%. This outputs very strong results against the digits dataset, correctly classifying a mean of 93% of cases after cross-validation:

[ 0.94019934  0.92320534  0.9295302 ]


Using random forests

An alternative set of averaging ensemble techniques is referred to collectively as random forests. Perhaps the most successful ensemble technique used by competitive data scientists, random forests develop parallel sets of decision tree classifiers. By introducing two main sources of randomness to the classifier construction, the forest ends up containing diverse trees. The data that is used to build each tree is sampled with replacement from the training set, while the tree creation process no longer uses the best split from all features, instead choosing the best split from a random subset of the features.

Random forests can be easily called using the RandomForestClassifier class in sklearn. For a simple example, consider the following:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale

digits = load_digits()
data = scale(

n_samples, n_features = data.shape
n_digits = len(np.unique(
labels =

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10)
clf =, labels)
scores = clf.score(data,labels)

The scores output by this ensemble, 0.999, are difficult to beat. Indeed, we haven't seen performance at this level from any of the individual models we employed in preceding chapters.

A variant of random forests, called extremely randomized trees (ExtraTrees), uses the same random subset of features method in selecting the best split at each branch in the tree. However, it also randomizes the discrimination threshold; where a decision tree normally chooses the most effective split between classes, ExtraTrees split at a random value.

Due to the relatively efficient training of decision trees, a random forest algorithm can potentially support a large number of varied trees with the effectiveness of the classifier improving as the number of nodes increases. The randomness introduced provides a degree of robustness to noise or data change; like the bagging algorithms we reviewed earlier, however, this gain typically comes at the cost of a slight drop in performance. In the case of ExtraTrees, the robustness may increase further while the performance measure improves (typically a bias value reduces).

The following code describes how ExtraTrees work in practice. As with our random subspace implementation, the code is very straightforward. In this case, we'll develop a set of models to compare how ExtraTrees shape up against tree and random forest approaches:

from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale

digits = load_digits()
data = scale(
X = data
y =

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=None, min_samples_split=1,
scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y)                      

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, max_depth=None,
    min_samples_split=1, random_state=0)
scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y)       

clf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=10, max_depth=None,
    min_samples_split=1, random_state=0)
scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y)

The scores, respectively, are as follows:

[ 0.74252492  0.82136895  0.75671141]
[ 0.88372093  0.9015025   0.8909396 ]
[ 0.91694352  0.93489149  0.91778523]

Given that we're working with entirely tree-based methods here, the score is simply the proportion of correctly-labeled cases. We can see here that there isn't much in it between the two forest methods, which both perform strongly with mean scores of 0.9. In this example, random forest actually wins out marginally (on the order of an 0.002 increase) over ExtraTrees, while both techniques substantially outperform the basic decision tree, whose mean score sits at 0.77.

One drawback when working with random forests (especially as the size of the forest increases) is that it can be hard to review the effectiveness of, or tune, a given implementation. While individual trees are extremely easy to work with, the sheer number of trees in a developed ensemble and the obfuscation created by random splitting can make it challenging to refine a random forest implementation. One option is to begin looking at the decision boundaries that individual models draw. By contrasting the models within one's ensemble, it becomes easier to identify where one model performs better at dividing classes than others.

In this example, for instance, we can easily see how our models perform at a high level without digging into specific details:

Using random forests

While it can be challenging to understand beyond a simple level (using high-level plots and summary scores) how a random forest implementation is performing, the hardship is worthwhile. Random forests perform very strongly with only a minimal cost in additional computation. They are very often a good technique to throw at a problem during the early stages, while one is still determining an angle of attack, because their ability to yield strong results fast can provide a useful benchmark. Once you know how a random forest implementation performs, you can begin to optimize and extend your ensemble.

To this end, we should continue exploring the different ensemble techniques so as to further build out our toolkit of ensembling options.

Applying boosting methods

Another approach to ensemble creation is to build boosting models. These models are characterized by their use of multiple models in sequence to iteratively "boost" or improve the performance of the ensemble.

Boosting models frequently use a series of weak learners, models that provide only marginal gain compared to random guessing. At each iteration, a new weak learner is trained on an adjusted dataset. Over multiple iterations, the ensemble is extended with one new tree (whichever tree optimized the ensemble performance score) at each iteration.

Perhaps the most well-known boosting method is AdaBoost, which adjusts the dataset at each iteration by performing the following actions:

  • Selecting a decision stump (a shallow, often one-level decision tree, effectively the most significant decision boundary for the dataset in question)
  • Increasing the weighting of cases that the decision stump labeled incorrectly, while reducing the weighting of correctly labeled cases

This iterative weight adjustment causes each new classifier in the ensemble to prioritize training the incorrectly labeled cases; the model adjusts by targeting highly-weighted data points. Eventually, the stumps are combined to form a final classifier.

AdaBoost can be used both in classification and regression contexts and achieves impressive results. The following example shows an AdaBoost implementation in action on the heart dataset:

import numpy as np

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
from sklearn.datasets.mldata import fetch_mldata
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score

n_estimators = 400
# A learning rate of 1. may not be optimal for both SAMME and SAMME.R
learning_rate = 1.

heart = fetch_mldata("heart")
X =
y = np.copy(

X_test, y_test = X[189:], y[189:]
X_train, y_train = X[:189], y[:189]

dt_stump = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1, min_samples_leaf=1), y_train)
dt_stump_err = 1.0 - dt_stump.score(X_test, y_test)

dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=9, min_samples_leaf=1), y_train)
dt_err = 1.0 - dt.score(X_test, y_test)

ada_discrete = AdaBoostClassifier(
    algorithm="SAMME"), y_train)

scores = cross_val_score(ada_discrete, X_test, y_test)
means = scores.mean()

In this case, the n_estimators parameter dictates the number of weak learners used; in the case of averaging methods, adding estimators will always reduce the bias of your model, but will increase the probability that your model has overfit its training data. The base_estimator parameter can be used to define different weak learners; the default is decision trees (as training a weak tree is straightforward, one can use stumps, very shallow trees). When applied to the heart dataset, as in this example, AdaBoost achieved correct labeling in just over 79% of cases, a reasonably solid performance for a first pass:

[ 0.77777778  0.81481481  0.77777778]


Boosting models provide a significant advantage over averaging models; they make it much easier to create an ensemble that identifies problem cases or types of problem cases and address them. A boosting model will usually target the easiest to predict cases first, with each added model fitting against a subset of the remaining incorrectly predicted cases.

One resulting risk is that a boosting model begins to overfit (in the most extreme case, you can imagine ensemble components that have fit to specific cases!) the training data. Managing the correct amount of ensemble components is a tricky problem but thankfully we can resort to a familiar technique to resolve it. In Chapter 1, Unsupervised Machine Learning, we discussed a visual heuristic called the elbow method. In that case, the plot was of K (the number of means), against a performance measure for the clustering implementation. In this case, we can employ an analogous process using the number of estimators (n) and the bias or error rate for the ensemble (which we'll call e). For a range of different boosting estimators, we can plot their outputs as follows:

Applying boosting methods

By identifying a point at which the curve has begun to level off, we can reduce the risk that our model has overfit, which becomes increasingly likely as the curve begins to level off. This is true for the simple reason that as the curve levels, it necessarily means that the added gains from each new estimator are the correct classification of fewer and fewer cases!

Part of the appeal of a visual aid of this kind is that it enables us to get a feel for how likely our solution is to be overfitting. We can (and should!) be applying validation techniques wherever we can, but in some cases (for example, when aiming to hit a particular MVP target for a model implementation, whether that be informed by use cases or the distribution of scores on the Kaggle public leaderboard), we may be tempted to press forward with a performant implementation. Understanding exactly how attenuated the gains we're receiving are as we add each new estimator is critical to understanding the risk of overfitting.

Using XGBoost

In mid-2015, a new algorithm to solve structured machine learning problems, XGboost, has taken the competitive data science world by storm. Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) is a well-written, performant library that provides a generalized boosting algorithm (Gradient Boosting).

XGBoost works much like AdaBoost with one key difference—the means by which the model is improved is different.

At each iteration, XGBoost is seeking to improve the performance of the existing model set by reducing the residuals (the differences between targets and label predictions) of that ensemble. Every iteration, the model added is selected based on whether it is most able to reduce the existing ensemble's residuals. This is analogous to gradient descent (where a function is iteratively minimized by moving against a loss gradient); hence, the name Gradient Boosting.

Gradient Boosting has proven to be highly successful in recent Kaggle contests, where it has supported the winners of the CrowdFlower Competition and Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge, along with many other structured data competitions in the final half of 2015.

To apply XGBoost, let's grab the XGBoost library. The best way to get this is via pip, with the pip install xgboost command on the command line. For Windows users, pip installation is currently (late 2015) disabled on Windows. For your benefit, a cold copy of XGBoost is available in the Chapter 8 folder of this book's GitHub repository.

Applying XGBoost is fairly straightforward. In this case, we'll apply the library to a multiclass classification task, using the UCI Dermatology dataset. This dataset contains an age variable and a large number of categorical variables. An example row of data looks like this:


A small number of age values (penultimate feature) are missing, encoded by ?. The objective in working with this dataset is to correctly classify one of six different skin conditions, per the following class distribution:

       Database:  Dermatology

       Class code:   Class:                  Number of instances:
       1             psoriasis      112
       2             seboreic dermatitis             61
       3             lichen planus                   72
       4             pityriasis rosea                49
       5             cronic dermatitis               52    
       6             pityriasis rubra pilaris        20

We'll begin applying XGBoost to this problem by loading up the data and dividing it into test and train cases via a 70/30 split:

import numpy as np
import xgboost as xgb

data = np.loadtxt('./', delimiter=',',converters={33: lambda x:int(x == '?'), 34: lambda x:int(x)-1 } )
sz = data.shape

train = data[:int(sz[0] * 0.7), :]
test = data[int(sz[0] * 0.7):, :]

train_X = train[:,0:33]
train_Y = train[:, 34]

test_X = test[:,0:33]
test_Y = test[:, 34]

At this point, we initialize and parameterize our model. The eta parameter defines the step size shrinkage. In gradient descent algorithms, it's very common to use a shrinkage parameter to reduce the size of an update. Gradient descent algorithms have a tendency (especially close to convergence) to zigzag back and forth over the optimum; using a shrinkage parameter to downscale the size of a change makes the effect of gradient descent more precise. A common (and default) scaling value is 0.3. In this example, eta has been set to 0.1 for even greater precision (at the possible cost of more iterations).

The max_depth parameter is intuitive; it defines the maximum depth of any tree in the example. Given six output classes, six is a reasonable value to begin with. The num_round parameter defines how many rounds of Gradient Boosting the algorithm will perform. Again, you typically require more rounds for a multiclass problem with more classes. The nthread parameter, meanwhile, defines how many CPU threads the code will run over.

The DMatrix structure used here is purely for the training speed and memory optimization. It's generally a good idea to use these while using XGBoost; they can be built from numpy.arrays. Using DMatrix enables the watchlist functionality, which unlocks some advanced features. In particular, watchlist allows us to monitor the evaluation results on all the data in the list provided:

xg_train = xgb.DMatrix( train_X, label=train_Y)
xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(test_X, label=test_Y)

param = {}

param['objective'] = 'multi:softmax'

param['eta'] = 0.1
param['max_depth'] = 6
param['nthread'] = 4
param['num_class'] = 6

watchlist = [ (xg_train,'train'), (xg_test, 'test') ]
num_round = 5
bst = xgb.train(param, xg_train, num_round, watchlist );

We train our model, bst, to generate an initial prediction. We then repeat the training process to generate a prediction with softmax enabled (via multi:softprob):

pred = bst.predict( xg_test );

print ('predicting, classification error=%f' % (sum( int(pred[i]) != test_Y[i] for i in range(len(test_Y))) / float(len(test_Y)) ))

param['objective'] = 'multi:softprob'
bst = xgb.train(param, xg_train, num_round, watchlist );

yprob = bst.predict( xg_test ).reshape( test_Y.shape[0], 6 )
ylabel = np.argmax(yprob, axis=1)

print ('predicting, classification error=%f' % (sum( int(ylabel[i]) != test_Y[i] for i in range(len(test_Y))) / float(len(test_Y)) ))

Using stacking ensembles

The traditional ensembles that we saw earlier in this chapter all shared a common design philosophy: they involve multiple classifiers trained to fit a set of target labels and involve the models themselves being applied to generate some meta-function through strategies including model voting and boosting.

There is an alternative design philosophy as regards ensemble creation, known as stacking or, alternatively, as blending. Stacking involves multiple layers of models in a configuration where the output of one layer of models is used as training data for a model at the next layer. It's possible to blend hundreds of different models successfully.

Stacking ensembles can also make up the blended set of features at a layer's output from multiple sub-blends (sometimes called blend-of-blends). To add to the fun, it's also possible to also extract particularly effective parameters from the models of a stacking ensemble and use them as meta-features, within blends or sub-blends at different levels.

All of this combines to make stacking ensembles a very powerful and extensible technique. The winners of the Kaggle Netflix prize (and associated $1 million award) used stacking ensembles over hundreds of features to great effect. They used several additional tricks to improve the effectiveness of their prediction:

  • They trained and optimized their ensemble while holding out some data. They then retrained using the held-out data and again optimized before applying their model to the test dataset. This isn't an uncommon practice, but it yields good results and is worth keeping in mind.
  • They trained using gradient descent and RMSE as the performance function. Crucially, they used the RMSE of the ensemble, rather than that of any of the models, as the relevant performance indicator (the measure of residuals). This should be considered a healthy practice whenever working with ensembles.
  • They used model combinations that are known to improve on the residuals of other models. Neighborhood-based approaches, for instance, improve on the residuals of the RBM, which we examined earlier in this book. By getting to know the relative strengths and weaknesses of your machine learning algorithms, you can find ideal ensemble configurations.
  • They calculated the residuals of their blend using k-fold cross-validation, another technique that we explored and applied earlier in this book. This helped overcome the fact that they'd trained their blend's constituent models using the same dataset as the resulting blend.

The main point to take away from the highly customized nature of the Pragmatic Chaos model used to win the Netflix prize is that a first-class model is usually the product of intensive iteration and some creative network configuration changes. The other key takeaway is that the basic architectural pattern of a stacking ensemble is as follows:

Using stacking ensembles

Now that you've learned the fundamentals of how the stacking ensemble work, let's try applying them to solve data problems. To get us started, we'll use the code provided in the GitHub repository accompanying Chapter 8, . Versions of this blending code have been used by highly-scoring Kagglers across multiple contests.

To begin with, we'll examine how stacking ensembles can be applied to attack a real data science problem: the Kaggle contest Predicting a Biological Response aimed to build as effective a model as possible in order to predict the biological response of molecules given their chemical properties. We'll be looking at one particularly successful entry in this competition to understand how stacking ensembles can work in practice.

In this dataset, each row represents a molecule, while each of the 1,776 features describe characteristics of the molecule in question. The goal was to predict a binary response from the molecule in question, given these properties.

The code that we'll be applying comes from a competitor in that tournament who used a stacking ensemble to combine five classifiers: two differently configured random forest classifiers, two extra trees classifiers, and a gradient boosting classifier, which helps to yield slightly differentiated predictions from the other four components.

The duplicated classifiers were provided with different split criteria. One used the Gini Impurity (gini), a measure of how often a random record would be incorrectly labeled if it were randomly labeled according to the distribution of labels in the potential branch in question. The other tree used information gain (entropy), a measure of information content. The information content of a potential branch can be measured by the number of bits that would be required to encode it. Using entropy as a measure to determine the appropriate split leads branches to become increasingly less diverse, but it's important to recognize that the entropy and gini criteria can yield quite different results:

if __name__ == '__main__':


    n_folds = 10
    verbose = True
    shuffle = False

    X, y, X_submission = load_data.load()

    if shuffle:
        idx = np.random.permutation(y.size)
        X = X[idx]
        y = y[idx]

    skf = list(StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds))

    clfs = [RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, 
            RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, 
            ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, 
            ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, 
subsample=0.5, max_depth=6, n_estimators=50)]

    print "Creating train and test sets for blending."

    dataset_blend_train = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(clfs)))
    dataset_blend_test = np.zeros((X_submission.shape[0], len(clfs)))

    for j, clf in enumerate(clfs):
        print j, clf
        dataset_blend_test_j = np.zeros((X_submission.shape[0], 
        for i, (train, test) in enumerate(skf):
            print "Fold", i
            X_train = X[train]
            y_train = y[train]
            X_test = X[test]
            y_test = y[test]
  , y_train)
            y_submission = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
            dataset_blend_train[test, j] = y_submission
            dataset_blend_test_j[:, i] = 
        dataset_blend_test[:,j] = dataset_blend_test_j.mean(1)

    print "Blending."
    clf = LogisticRegression(), y)
    y_submission = clf.predict_proba(dataset_blend_test)[:,1]

    print "Linear stretch of predictions to [0,1]"
    y_submission = (y_submission - y_submission.min()) / 
(y_submission.max() - y_submission.min())

    print "Saving Results."
    np.savetxt(fname='test.csv', X=y_submission, fmt='%0.9f')

When we try running this submission on the private leaderboard, we find ourselves in a rather impressive 12th place (out of 699 competitors)! Naturally, we can't draw too many conclusions from a competition that we entered after completion, but, given the simplicity of the code, this is still a rather impressive result!

Applying ensembles in practice

One particularly important quality to be mindful of while applying ensemble methods is that your goal is to tune the performance of the ensemble rather than of the models that comprise it. Your approach should therefore be largely focused on building a strong ensemble performance score, rather than the strongest set of individual model performances.

The amount of attention that you pay to the models within your ensemble will vary. With an arrangement of differently configured or initialized models of a single type (for example, a random forest), it is sensible to focus almost entirely on the performance of the ensemble and metaparameters that shape it.

For more challenging problems, we frequently need to pay closer attention to the individual models within our ensemble. This is most obviously true when we're trying to create smaller ensembles for more challenging problems, but to build a truly excellent ensemble, it is often necessary to be considerate of the parameters and algorithms underlying the structure that you've built.

With this said, you'll always be looking at the performance of the ensemble as well as the performance of models within the set. You'll be inspecting the results of your models to try and work out what each model did well. You'll also be looking for the less obvious factors that affect ensemble performance, most notably the correlation of model predictions. It's generally recognized that a more effective ensemble will tend to contain performant but uncorrelated components.

To understand this claim, consider techniques such as correlation measures and PCA that we can use to measure the amount of information content present in dataset variables. In the same way, we can use Pearson's correlation coefficient against the predictions output by each of our models to understand the relationship between performance and correlation for each model.

Taking us back to stacking ensembles specifically, our ensemble's models are outputting metafeatures that are then used as inputs to a next-layer model. Just as we would vet the features used by a more conventional neural network, we want to ensure that the features output by our ensemble's components work well as a dataset. The calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient across model outputs and use of the results in model selection is an excellent place to start in this regard.

When we deal with single-model problems, we almost always have to spend some time inspecting the problem and identifying an appropriate learning algorithm. If we're faced with a two-class classification problem with a moderate amount of features (10's) and labeled training cases, we might select a logistic regression, an SVM, or some other appropriate algorithm for the context. Different approaches will apply to different problems and through trial and error, parallel testing, and experience (both personal and posted online!), you will identify the appropriate approach for a specific objective given specific input data.

A similar logic applies to ensemble creation. Rather than identifying a single appropriate model, the challenge is to identify combinations of models that effectively describe different elements of an input dataset in such a way that the dataset as a whole is adequately described. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your component models as well as by exploring and visualizing your dataset, you'll be able to draw conclusions about how to develop your ensemble effectively through multiple iterations.

Ultimately, at this level, data science is a field with a great many techniques at hand. The best practitioners are able to apply their knowledge of their own algorithms and options to develop very effective solutions over many iterations.

These solutions involve the knowledge of algorithms and interaction of model combinations, model parameter adjustments, dataset translations, and ensemble manipulation. Just as importantly, they require an uninhibited and creative mindset.

One good example of this is the work of prominent Kaggle competitor, Alexander Guschin. Focusing on one specific example—the Otto Product Classification contest—can give us an idea as to the range of options available to a confident and creative data scientist.

Most model development processes begin with a period in which you throw different solutions at the problem, attempting to find the tricks underlying the data and figuring out what works. Settling on a stacking model, Alexander set about building metafeatures. While we looked at XGBoost as an ensemble in its own right, in this case it was used as a component to the stacking ensemble in order to generate some of the metafeatures to be used by the final model. Neural networks were used in addition to the gradient boosted trees as both algorithms tend to produce good results.

To add some contrast to the mixture, Alexander added a KNN implementation, specifically because the results (and therefore the metaparameters) generated by a KNN tend to differ significantly from the models already included. This approach of picking up components whose outputs tend to differ is crucial in creating an effective stacking ensemble (and to most ensemble types).

To further develop this model, Alexander added some custom elements to the second layer of his model. While combining the XGBoost and neural network predictions, he also added bagging at this layer. At this point, most of the techniques that we've discussed in this chapter have shown up in some part of this model. In addition to the model development, some feature engineering (in particular, the use of TF-IDF on half of the training and test data) and the use of plotting techniques to identify class differentiation were used throughout.

A truly mature model that can tackle the most significant data science challenges is one that combines the techniques we've seen throughout this book, created using a solid understanding of the underlying algorithms and the possibilities for how these techniques can interact with each other.

This book so far has taught many of the fundamentals—the base of practical knowledge—that a practitioner has to collect. It has used many examples and an increasing amount of real-world cases to demonstrate how a broad base of knowledge becomes increasingly powerful in letting you develop effective solutions to difficult problems.

What's required of you as a data scientist is to first apply this broad set of techniques to develop an experience of how they can perform and what they could do for you. Then it is up to you to develop that creativity and experimental mindset that distinguishes some of the best data scientists.

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