Building an optical character recognizer using neural networks

Now that we know how to interact with the data, let's build a neural network-based optical character-recognition system.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new Python file, and import the following packages:
    import numpy as np
    import neurolab as nl
  2. Define the input filename:
    # Input file
    input_file = ''
  3. When we work with neural networks that deal with large amounts of data, it takes a lot of time to train. To demonstrate how to build this system, we will take only 20 datapoints:
    # Number of datapoints to load from the input file
    num_datapoints = 20
  4. If you look at the data, you will see that there are seven distinct characters in the first 20 lines. Let's define them:
    # Distinct characters
    orig_labels = 'omandig'
    # Number of distinct characters
    num_output = len(orig_labels)
  5. We will use 90% of the data for training and remaining 10% for testing. Define the training and testing parameters:
    # Training and testing parameters
    num_train = int(0.9 * num_datapoints)
    num_test = num_datapoints - num_train
  6. The starting and ending indices in each line of the dataset file:
    # Define dataset extraction parameters 
    start_index = 6
    end_index = -1
  7. Create the dataset:
    # Creating the dataset
    data = []
    labels = []
    with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f.readlines():
            # Split the line tabwise
            list_vals = line.split('	')
  8. Add an error check to see whether the characters are in our list of labels:
            # If the label is not in our ground truth labels, skip it
            if list_vals[1] not in orig_labels:
  9. Extract the label, and append it the main list:
            # Extract the label and append it to the main list
            label = np.zeros((num_output, 1))
            label[orig_labels.index(list_vals[1])] = 1
  10. Extract the character, and append it to the main list:
            # Extract the character vector and append it to the main list
            cur_char = np.array([float(x) for x in list_vals[start_index:end_index]])
  11. Exit the loop once we have enough data:
            # Exit the loop once the required dataset has been loaded
            if len(data) >= num_datapoints:
  12. Convert this data into NumPy arrays:
    # Convert data and labels to numpy arrays
    data = np.asfarray(data)
    labels = np.array(labels).reshape(num_datapoints, num_output)
  13. Extract the number of dimensions in our data:
    # Extract number of dimensions
    num_dims = len(data[0])
  14. Train the neural network until 10,000 epochs:
    # Create and train neural network
    net =[[0, 1] for _ in range(len(data[0]))], [128, 16, num_output])
    net.trainf = nl.train.train_gd
    error = net.train(data[:num_train,:], labels[:num_train,:], epochs=10000, 
            show=100, goal=0.01)
  15. Predict the output for test inputs:
    # Predict the output for test inputs 
    predicted_output = net.sim(data[num_train:, :])
    print "
    Testing on unknown data:"
    for i in range(num_test):
        print "
    Original:", orig_labels[np.argmax(labels[i])]
        print "Predicted:", orig_labels[np.argmax(predicted_output[i])]
  16. The full code is in the file that's already provided to you. If you run this code, you will see the following on your Terminal at the end of training:
    How to do it…

    The output of the neural network is shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it…
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