Identifying patterns in text using topic modeling

The topic modeling refers to the process of identifying hidden patterns in text data. The goal is to uncover some hidden thematic structure in a collection of documents. This will help us in organizing our documents in a better way so that we can use them for analysis. This is an active area of research in NLP. You can learn more about it at We will use a library called gensim during this recipe. Make sure that you install this before you proceed. The installation steps are given at

How to do it…

  1. Create a new Python file and import the following packages:
    from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer  
    from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
    from gensim import models, corpora
    from nltk.corpus import stopwords
  2. Define a function to load the input data. We will use the data_topic_modeling.txt text file that is already provided to you:
    # Load input data
    def load_data(input_file):
        data = []
        with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
        return data
  3. Let's define a class to preprocess text. This preprocessor takes care of creating the required objects and extracting the relevant features from input text:
    # Class to preprocess text
    class Preprocessor(object):
        # Initialize various operators
        def __init__(self):
            # Create a regular expression tokenizer
            self.tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'w+')
  4. We need a list of stop words so that we can exclude them from analysis. These are common words, such as "in", "the", "is", and so on:
            # get the list of stop words 
            self.stop_words_english = stopwords.words('english')
  5. Define a snowball stemmer:
            # Create a Snowball stemmer 
            self.stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english')
  6. Define a processor function that takes care of tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming:
        # Tokenizing, stop word removal, and stemming
        def process(self, input_text):
            # Tokenize the string
            tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(input_text.lower())
  7. Remove the stop words from the text:
            # Remove the stop words 
            tokens_stopwords = [x for x in tokens if not x in self.stop_words_english]
  8. Perform stemming on tokens:
            # Perform stemming on the tokens 
            tokens_stemmed = [self.stemmer.stem(x) for x in tokens_stopwords]
  9. Return the processed tokens:
            return tokens_stemmed
  10. We are now ready to define the main function. Load the input data from the text file:
    if __name__=='__main__':
        # File containing linewise input data 
        input_file = 'data_topic_modeling.txt'
        # Load data
        data = load_data(input_file)
  11. Define an object that is based on the class that we defined:
        # Create a preprocessor object
        preprocessor = Preprocessor()
  12. We need to process the text in the file, and extract the processed tokens:
        # Create a list for processed documents
        processed_tokens = [preprocessor.process(x) for x in data]
  13. Create a dictionary, which is based on tokenized documents so that this can be used for topic modeling:
        # Create a dictionary based on the tokenized documents
        dict_tokens = corpora.Dictionary(processed_tokens)
  14. We need to create a document-term matrix using the processed tokens, as follows:
        # Create a document-term matrix
        corpus = [dict_tokens.doc2bow(text) for text in processed_tokens]
  15. Let's say we know that the text can be divided into two topics. We will use a technique called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modeling. Define the required parameters and initialize the LDA model object:
        # Generate the LDA model based on the corpus we just created
        num_topics = 2
        num_words = 4
        ldamodel = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus, 
                num_topics=num_topics, id2word=dict_tokens, passes=25)
  16. Once this identifies the two topics, we can see how it's separating these two topics by looking at the most-contributed words:
        print "Most contributing words to the topics:"
        for item in ldamodel.print_topics(num_topics=num_topics, num_words=num_words):
            print "
    Topic", item[0], "==>", item[1]
  17. The full code is in the file. If you run this code, you will see the following printed on your Terminal:
    How to do it…

How it works…

Topic modeling works by identifying the important words of themes in a document. These words tend to determine what the topic is about. We use a regular expression tokenizer because we just want the words without any punctuation or other kinds of tokens. Hence, we use this to extract the tokens. Stop word removal is another important step because this helps us eliminate the noise caused due to words, such as "is" or "the". After this, we need to stem the words to get to their base forms. This entire thing is packaged as a preprocessing block in text analysis tools. This is what we are doing here as well!

We use a technique called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to model the topics. LDA basically represents the documents as a mixture of different topics that tend to spit out words. These words are spat out with certain probabilities. The goal is to find these topics! This is a generative model that tries to find the set of topics that are responsible for the generation of the given set of documents. You can learn more about it at

As you can see from the output, we have words such as "talent" and "train" to characterize the sports topic, whereas we have "encrypt" to characterize the cryptography topic. We are working with a really small text file, which is the reason why some words might seem less relevant. Obviously, the accuracy will improve if you work with a larger dataset.

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