why smoothies are better
than juices

This debate between smoothies and juices often focuses on those nutritional differences between the two–as well as, of course, the taste. But it really all comes down to one word: fiber.

Technically, fiber is an indigestible component of plant-based foods. Eating fiber-rich foods helps regulate digestion and increases satiety, making you feel fuller longer. Certain types of fiber can also help lower “bad” cholesterol. Traditional juicing involves extracting liquid from ingredients, like herbs, fruits, and vegetables. While this liquid contains several nutrients, much of the fiber is removed and missing from your glass. The beauty of a smoothie is you get to keep the fiber! While some of the physical composition of the smoothie ingredients are broken down when blended, everything makes its way into your glass—and your body.

choosing and using a blender

Blenders come in many shapes and sizes, and like most kitchen appliances, you get what you pay for. The only way a blender can do you wrong is if the blade easily jams or if the machine is difficult to clean. Shop around and check user reviews when shopping for a product, and be wary of models that fall short in these areas.

All the recipes in this book were made using a Vitamix 5200 Standard blender. This blender is known for its ability to blend everything from frozen fruits to nuts to dry grains. It’s certainly worth the high price tag because it lives up to the hype. That said, a pricey blender isn’t required to enjoy the recipes in this book.

If you have concerns about your blender’s ability to purée with ease, cut harder (or denser) ingredients like nuts, raw beets, carrots, and apples into smaller pieces before adding them to the blender. Also, be sure to add the liquid ingredients first because this always makes for easier blending.

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