
getting fresh

Smoothies are a huge part of my healthy cooking repertoire. Whether it’s a quick breakfast, a late-night treat, or an afternoon snack to beat an energy slump, a frosty blend of fruits and vegetables—and other ingredients—can be the ultimate refresher.

Even with all the nutritious possibilities, smoothies can be confusing. They have a reputation for being superfoods in a glass, but many of them are sugary milkshakes in disguise. While experts recommend no more than 6 to 9 teaspoons of added sugar a day, most Americans are eating closer to 20! Cutting out 10 teaspoons of sugar per day can lead to a 15-pound weight loss in a year!

What you really want for healthy smoothies are fresh ingredients combined with flavor, color, texture, and nutrition in mind. These recipes are crafted from seasonal, whole food ingredients whirled together to optimize health. Unexpected elements, like green tea powder, dates, chia seeds, and cauliflower (really!), help these blends fully achieve superfood status.

These smoothies are filled with powerful antioxidants to fight inflammation, unsaturated fats for skin and neurological health, minerals for strong bones, and fiber and probiotics to promote gut health—and many contain no added sugar whatsoever.

Each recipe includes a full panel of nutrition information, including a tally of total and added sugars. This is an important distinction to make because natural sugars from dairy and fruit don’t wreak havoc on the body the way an abundance of added sugars can.

Within the pages of Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies, you’ll also find tips, tricks, and mini courses in nutrition to help fuel you every day. Happy blending!

– Dana Angelo White

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