Publisher Mike Sanders

Editor Christopher Stolle

Art Director William Thomas

Compositor Ayanna Lacey

Photographer Kelley Jordan Schuyler

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Indexer Celia McCoy

Digital Production

Digital Programme Manager Miguel Cunha

Senior Manager Lakshmi Rao

Producer Suruchi Kakkar

Software Engineer Rachana Kishore

Production Manager Nain Singh Rawat

Production Coordinator Manish Bhatt

First American Edition, 2020

Published in the United States by DK Publishing

6081 E. 82nd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250

Copyright © 2020 by Dana Angelo White

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Published in the United States by Dorling Kindersley Limited.

ISBN: 9781465493316

Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2020931116

eISBN: 9781615649242

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