Predicting airplane arrival time

R has built-in functionality for splitting up a data frame between training and testing sets, building a model based on the training set, predicting results using the model and the testing set, and then visualizing how well the model is working.

For this example, I am using airline arrival and departure times versus scheduled arrival and departure times from for 2008. The dataset is distributed as a .bz2 file that unpacks into a CSV file. I like this dataset, as the initial row count is over 7 million and it all works nicely in Jupyter.

We first read in the airplane data and display a summary. There are additional columns in the dataset that we are not using:

df <- read.csv("Documents/2008-airplane.csv")
CRSElapsedTime      AirTime          ArrDelay          DepDelay      
 Min.   :-141.0   Min.   :   0     Min.   :-519.00   Min.   :-534.00  
 1st Qu.:  80.0   1st Qu.:  55     1st Qu.: -10.00   1st Qu.:  -4.00  
 Median : 110.0   Median :  86     Median :  -2.00   Median :  -1.00  
 Mean   : 128.9   Mean   : 104     Mean   :   8.17   Mean   :   9.97  
 3rd Qu.: 159.0   3rd Qu.: 132     3rd Qu.:  12.00   3rd Qu.:   8.00  
 Max.   :1435.0   Max.   :1350     Max.   :2461.00   Max.   :2467.00  
 NA's   :844      NA's   :154699   NA's   :154699    NA's   :136246   
     Origin             Dest            Distance          TaxiIn      
 ATL    : 414513   ATL    : 414521   Min.   :  11.0   Min.   :  0.00  
 ORD    : 350380   ORD    : 350452   1st Qu.: 325.0   1st Qu.:  4.00  
 DFW    : 281281   DFW    : 281401   Median : 581.0   Median :  6.00  
 DEN    : 241443   DEN    : 241470   Mean   : 726.4   Mean   :  6.86  
 LAX    : 215608   LAX    : 215685   3rd Qu.: 954.0   3rd Qu.:  8.00  
 PHX    : 199408   PHX    : 199416   Max.   :4962.0   Max.   :308.00  
 (Other):5307095   (Other):5306783                    NA's   :151649  
    TaxiOut         Cancelled       CancellationCode    Diverted       
 Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :0.00000    :6872294        Min.   :0.000000  
 1st Qu.: 10.00   1st Qu.:0.00000   A:  54330        1st Qu.:0.000000  
 Median : 14.00   Median :0.00000   B:  54904        Median :0.000000  
 Mean   : 16.45   Mean   :0.01961   C:  28188        Mean   :0.002463  
 3rd Qu.: 19.00   3rd Qu.:0.00000   D:     12        3rd Qu.:0.000000  
 Max.   :429.00   Max.   :1.00000                    Max.   :1.000000  
 NA's   :137058                                                        
  CarrierDelay      WeatherDelay        NASDelay       SecurityDelay    
 Min.   :   0      Min.   :   0      Min.   :   0      Min.   :  0      
 1st Qu.:   0      1st Qu.:   0      1st Qu.:   0      1st Qu.:  0      
 Median :   0      Median :   0      Median :   6      Median :  0      
 Mean   :  16      Mean   :   3      Mean   :  17      Mean   :  0      
 3rd Qu.:  16      3rd Qu.:   0      3rd Qu.:  21      3rd Qu.:  0      
 Max.   :2436      Max.   :1352      Max.   :1357      Max.   :392      
 NA's   :5484993   NA's   :5484993   NA's   :5484993   NA's   :5484993  
 Min.   :   0     
 1st Qu.:   0     
 Median :   0     
 Mean   :  21     
 3rd Qu.:  26     
 Max.   :1316     
 NA's   :5484993  
Many of the data points have NA values. We need to remove these in order to build an accurate model:
# eliminate rows with NA values
df <- na.omit(df)

Let's create our partitions:

# for partitioning to work data has to be ordered
times <- df[order(df$ArrTime),]

# partition data - 75% training
trainingIndices <- createDataPartition(df$ArrTime,p=0.75,list=FALSE)
trainingSet <- df[trainingIndices,]
testingSet <- df[-trainingIndices,]

Let's build our model of the arrival time (ArrTime) based on the fields:

  • CRSArrTime: Scheduled arrival time
  • ArrDelay: Arrival delay
  • DepDelay: Departure delay
  • Diverted: Whether the plane used a diverted route
  • CarrierDelay: Delay by the carrier systems
  • WeatherDelay: Delay due to weather
  • NASDelay: Delay due to NAS
  • SecurityDelay: Delay due to security
  • LateAircraftDelay: Plane arrived late due to other delay

Two of the data items are just flags (0/1), unfortunately. The greatest predictor appears to be the scheduled arrival time. The other various delay factors have small effects. I think it just feels as if it's taking an extra 20 minutes for a security check or the like; it's a big deal when you are traveling.

Now that we have a model, let's use the testing set to make predictions:

predicted <- predict(model, newdata=testingSet)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   -941    1360    1629    1590    1843    2217 
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      1    1249    1711    1590    2034    2400   

Plot out the predicted versus actual data to get a sense of the model's accuracy:


Visually, the predictions match up well with the actuals as shown by the almost 45 degree line. That whole set of predicted points on the lower-right portion of the graphic is troublesome. There appears to be many predictions that are well below the actuals. There must be additional factors involved, as I would have expected all of the data to plot in one area rather than two.

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