Accessing a JupyterHub Installation

We can now start JupyterHub directly from the command line:


Instead of the typical jupyter notebook that you have been using.

Again, as discussed, JupyterHub is the entry point for users accessing your notebooks. Under the covers it is instantiating Jupyter instances for users.

There are slight differences with the user interface presented as well, as shown in the following screenshot:

Note the additional buttons on the top right of the screen:

  • Control Panel: For control of JupyterHub
  • Logout: Logout would be used with the SSL feature of JupyterHub to control access to your notebook 

The Control Panel gives two options:

  • Stop My Server: Stops JupyterHub from responding further. Useful if you need to upgrade some part of the system.
  • My Server: Return to the JupyterHub home page (previous screenshot).

If you start two browser instances on your desktop and access the notebook on JupyterHub you would be presented different information for each user as the user information is separately allocated to each user.

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