Note 34. Periodicities in Linear-Phase FIR Responses

Most filter design tools generate a filter’s frequency response in magnitude-phase form. When working with linear-phase filters, it is sometimes convenient to view the filters’ responses in amplitude-phase form. This note explores some of the issues that arise in converting a magnitude-phase form into an amplitude-phase form.

The magnitude-phase response can be converted into the amplitude-phase response using Recipe 34.1. However, when this is done for Type 2 or Type 4 linear-phase FIR filters, the resulting normalized-frequency amplitude response is periodic in 4π. This result appears to contradict the fact that the normalized-frequency response for any digital filter should be periodic in 2π. This note explores this apparent contradiction.

* Due to the quantized and sampled nature of the numerically computed phase response, the jump discontinuities are rarely exactly 180 degrees. Any jump that is within a reasonable tolerance of 180 degrees should be considered a 180-degree jump. It should be noted that the phase response of a linear filter should not include any discontinuities other than 180-degree phase jumps.

It is tempting to refer to removal of these phase jumps as “unwrapping” the phase. However, unwrapping is used to describe the process of removing jumps of 2π from phase responses. Such removals can be performed on any phase response. Removing jumps of π, as discussed in this procedure, is appropriate only when adapting the “usual” phase response to be used in conjunction with the amplitude response rather than with the magnitude response.

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