Chapter 11. Usage Tracking

Monitoring what your new Oracle BI system is doing, and how well it does it, is vital for the longterm success of a project. Analysis of the system usage can help to improve performance and user adoption. It is just as useful to know who is not using the system as who is using it.

One of the great features of Oracle BI is that you can use the system, its dashboards and analysis, to monitor the system itself, which means to say that you can use OBIEE analysis to tell you how OBIEE is performing for your users.

In this chapter, we will learn how to activate the usage tracking feature and create useful reports from it. You will also learn how to fine-tune and improve the usage tracking feature.

What is usage tracking?

The idea is simple: save each request that is made to the BI Server in a record in a table, in a database. In that record of the request, state who issued it, what they ran, when it ran, and how well it performed. These are the typical attributes that are stored:

  • User runs the request
  • Date and time shows when the request was started and ended
  • What was requested gives the details of the item that was run
  • Time taken breakes down into various parts
  • Number of rows
  • Error codes
  • System setup

Once the information has been captured in the database table we can analyze it. This is best done using OBIEE!

Setting up usage tracking

Let's get the system set up to track usage. For our system, which uses the standard table method, the configuration is in three parts, and they are all linked to each other. The steps are:

  1. Setting up the database tables.
  2. Setting up the BI Server repository.
  3. Updating the BI Server's configuration.

There is an option to store the usage tracking records in a text file, but as this is not as useful as the database method, it will be more difficult and slower to analyze a text file than a database table.

Setting up database tables

Near the beginning of the book, we ran the repository creation utility (RCU) to set up some schemas in the database for OBIEE to use. This created a database schema called BIPlatform with several tables, some of which are used for storing usage tracking records. Also worth noting is that you can move the usage tracking tables to another database and/or schema, but at this time we recommend you just use the tables provided by the RCU.

Tables created in the BI Platform Schema that relate to usage tracking are:


The S_NQ_ACCT table has been in use since the nQuire days (hence the NQ in the name), but it has been updated in recent releases. It stores records relating to the logical query that is run. The S_NQ_DB_ACCT table supplements the logical record with details of the physical query that was run against the database. The S_NQ_INITBLOCK table is new and is used to log the queries run when a user logs in.

Another table, S_NQ_SUMMARY_ADVISOR, is also installed by the RCU, but it does not relate directly to usage tracking. It is an added feature that helps to identify possible aggregates that would speed up dashboard performance.

Setting up the BI Server repository

The usage tracking record capture process uses a table that is defined in the BI Server repository (RPD file). This is simply a reference to the S_NQ_ACCT table, with a connection pool that has the write ability.

To create the metadata in the repository you can use the import metadata functionality in the BI Administration tool by following these steps:

(Before you start, take a backup of the repository):

  1. Open the BI Administration Tool.
  2. Open your repository (use a local master copy):

    Setting up the BI Server repository

  3. Navigate to File | Import Metadata...:

    Setting up the BI Server repository

  4. Select a connection to the Database Server.
  5. Enter the credentials for the BIPLATFORM user:

    Setting up the BI Server repository

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select Tables:

    Setting up the BI Server repository

  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the three tables.
  10. Click Finish:

    Setting up the BI Server repository

You now have a new database in the Physical schema:

Setting up the BI Server repository

At this stage we can configure usage tracking to use the preceding tables, but before we do, we will create the business model and presentation layer objects:

  1. Right-click on the S_NQ_ACCT table.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Uncheck the Cacheable option.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat the removal of caching for S_NQ_DB_ACCT and S_NQ_INITBLOCK.
  6. Right-click on the S_NQ_ACCT table again.
  7. Select New Object and then Alias.
  8. Enter the name: Usage Tracking Logical.
  9. Right-click on the S_NQ_ACCT table again.
  10. Navigate to New Object | Alias.
  11. Enter the name Fact Usage Tracking.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Using the same technique, create an alias of S_NQ_DB_ACCT and call it Usage Tracing Physical.
  14. Create an alias of S_NQ_INITBLOCK and call it Usage Tracking Initblock.
  15. Now create a physical join from the fact table to the Logical and Physical aliases.
  16. Right-click in the middle pane, and select New Business Model.
  17. Enter the NameUsage Tracking.
  18. In the new business model, create a logical fact table using the Fact Usage Tracking alias.
  19. Create a logical dimension using the Usage Tracking Logical.
  20. Add another logical table source that includes the physical tables: Usage Tracking Logical and Usage Tracking Physical.
  21. Rename the columns to more user-friendly names.
  22. Create a Presentation catalog.

You should end up with a repository looking like this:

Setting up the BI Server repository


We will provide examples of the RPD on the support book website.

Updating the BI Server configuration

Now that we have the tables set up in the RPD file, we can configure the BI Server to start recording usage:

  1. Take a backup copy of the file NQSCOnfig.ini, which is in the folder Oracle_homeuser_projectsdomainsbiconfigfmwconfigbiconfigOBIS.
  2. Open the file NQSConfig.ini in a text editor.
  3. Find the section called USAGE_TRACKING and change the enable setting to Yes.
  4. Change the settings for the tables and connections for the entries:

    See the following code:

    PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME = "Usage Tracking
    CONNECTION_POOL = "Usage Tracking Data"."Connection Pool";
    INIT_BLOCK_TABLE_NAME = "Usage Tracking
    INIT_BLOCK_CONNECTION_POOL = "Usage Tracking Data"."Connection
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the BI Services:

    Updating the BI Server configuration

At this point, every request made to the BI Server will be logged in to the S_NQ_ACCT table.


Usage tracking is not related to the LOGGING LEVEL variable that each user has. Logging level relates to the amount of information that is placed into the NQQuery.log file.

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