Creating our first Dashboard

The Dashboard is the place that most of your users will be viewing the data. You create a Dashboard and usually place one or more analyses on a Dashboard page. You can have pages with just text on too. You can have several pages on a Dashboard, each with their own analysis.

Let's get stuck into creating:

  1. Click on New on the top bar.
  2. Select Dashboard from the list
  3. Enter the Dashboard Name and Description, then choose the location of your Dashboard. Choose the Book folder which is in the Shared Folder.
  4. Leave the Content option set to Add Content Now. Click OK:

    Creating our first Dashboard

    You are now presented with a blank Dashboard page:

    Creating our first Dashboard

  5. Expand the Shared Folders folder in the Catalog pane (bottom left panel).
  6. Expand the Book folder.
  7. Click on the Analysis One object, and drag it on the main blue panel. Drop it there:

    Creating our first Dashboard

    You will now see that Column 1 has been created, with Section 1 inside the column, and Analysis One is inside the section:

  8. Click on the Save button.
  9. Click on the Run button.

    You are now presented with your first Dashboard, showing content from Analysis One:

    Creating our first Dashboard

Congratulations - you have completed your first Dashboard.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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