Data Sources / JDBC connections

WLS is a Java application server. One of the biggest benefits from WLS hosting JEE applications (such as BI Publisher and other Oracle-BI-related applications) is the performance gain achieved by reducing the opening and closing of database connections via leveraging connection pools. WLS controls the connection pooling. The deployed JEE applications typically access the JDBC data-source connections created in the Data Sources area of WLS by calling the JNDI name associated with the JDBC connection:

  1. From the left-hand-pane navigation menu, expand bi > Services.
  2. Click on Data Sources.

    The resulting page is the Summary of JDBC Data Sources management area. Here are the application server-registered Data Sources, which can be leveraged by one or more applications deployed on the WebLogic Server.

  3. On the Data Sources table, look at the column, Targets. As you can see, each of these Data Sources is deployed to (that is, accessible from) the server names listed in the Targets column. bi_cluster is listed as one of the targets, which means that any managed server included in that cluster is a candidate.

    The default web-based applications and/or libraries deployed to the same target(s) as the JDBC connections, such as Oracle BI and BI Publisher, are programmed to reference these default Data Sources. For example, the mds-owsm connection is set up as a default connection, which we know is a reference to the MDS metadata repository created by the RCU. BI Publisher and Oracle BI both communicate with that scheme in some way. Although you may not see a configuration setting for the connection within the Oracle BI application itself, the underlying program code has a reference.

  4. The following screenshot shows mainly the default connections list configured during an installation or Oracle BI 12c. The JNDI Name column is usually the specific reference to this data source used within the application code, so do not modify any of these names or settings. Multiple repository schemas are deployed during the Oracle BI 12c installation, via the RCU, including BIPLATFORM_DATASOURCE and MDS-OWSM, with which users of the legacy Oracle BI 11g system will be familiar. However, there are several new schemas in Oracle BI 12c. One new change is that the OPSS data store now resides in a database schema repository and no longer in file-system storage:

    Data Sources / JDBC connections

  5. Click on the biplatform_datasource data source under the Name column.
  6. Click the Configuration tab and then the Connection Pool sub-tab.
  7. Scroll down to the URL input field and notice the connection string that was established during the installation configuration process.
  8. Scroll down a bit further and notice the Properties box.

    Here you can see that an explicit reference to the BIPLATFORM schema created during the installation via RCU is made. The data source you clicked on is used for Oracle BI metadata, and the reference to this scheme is due to the fact that several tables hold metadata, such as scheduler information specific to the BI tools.

  9. Click on the Monitoring main tab in this section. Then, click on the Testing sub-tab.
  10. Click on the radio button in the Server table list corresponding to the managed server, for example, bi_server1, on which this data source is deployed:

    Data Sources / JDBC connections

  11. Click the Test Data Sources button:
    • A connection success message should appear above the tabs of this section

Next we'll take a look at exactly how and where the Fusion Middleware security model for Oracle BI 12c is managed.

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