WebLogic Server is its own application

Working with WLS in the context of Oracle BI for the first time, it is easy to miss the fact that WLS is its own Oracle product. In the case of Oracle BI 12c integration, it is WebLogic Server 12c. To exemplify WLS's ability to act as a standalone product, a company may license WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition solely to service their internally developed application (typically, Java/JEE) deployment needs. Here are a few items that often get overlooked:

  • As mentioned previously, after the default Oracle BI installation, a default set of users and groups is created in the WLS-embedded LDAP. The users and groups established by default here are a mix of users and groups for Oracle BI and the WebLogic Server application itself. Looking at the list of groups within the groups table, you see a group named Administrators, but also a group named BIAdministrators.
  • The Administrators group is specific to the WLS application. That is to say that a WLS user belonging to this group will have administration rights to log in to the WLS administration console and manage it.
  • The BIAdministrators group signifies a bucket for users established within the WLS-embedded LDAP directory that should have access to certain administration rights within the Oracle BI application.
  • The WebLogic user exists in both the BIAdministrators and Administrators groups by default, which is why that user is the God-like user on the system. If you recall from the installation chapter, the name of this user is created during the installation and is arbitrary, although the default and recommended name is weblogic.
  • WLS contains an Embedded LDAP directory and as such it can be accessed via standard LDAP-browsing tools. Leveraging an open-source tool such as JXplorer will allow you to view information about the repository, such as its users and groups.
  • After conducting the preceding walkthrough in the WLS administration console, you can clearly see that there are many tabs and configuration sections available to manage the application server. Most of the other sections and tabs not mentioned are for advanced configurations. Any sections that were not mentioned in the preceding walkthrough are most likely not crucial to a basic Oracle BI configuration or administration routine.
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