Testing the client software

Now that we have configured all the connections, let's make sure they work properly before we head to the next chapter.

The first test is to check the connection to the live OBIEE Server:

  1. Open the Oracle BI Administration Tool.
  2. From the File menu, navigate to OpenOnline.
  3. Select the DSN we created earlier and enter the username and password.
  4. Click on Open.

    You should now see the three panels of the repository:

    Testing the client software

    The next test is to verify that you can see the AdventureWorks database.

  5. Navigate to File | Import Metadata.
  6. Select the AdventureWork DSN that we set up earlier.
  7. Enter the username and password details.

    If you get to the following screen, then all is working okay and you can click on Cancel (we will show how to import fully in Chapter 7, Developing the BI Server Repository):

    Testing the client software

    If, at any stage, you get an error, then again try making sure that the passwords are correct. If that still doesn't work, check the DSN. If it's still not working, then check the log files.


    The log files that relate to the client Administration tool on our install are located in C:fmw_obieeclientdomainsbiserversobis1logs. The log is normally prefixed with the logged-in user's name. Make sure you check the file for any errors or warnings.

The next test is to try the catalog manager:

  1. Click on the Catalog Manager link on the start menu.
  2. When the Catalog Manager loads, navigate to File | Open Catalog.
  3. Choose to open Online, and enter the URL of the Server. Our URL is http://localhost:9502/analytics/saw.dll:

    Testing the client software

  4. Click on OK.

You should now click on OK, and you will see the folder of the online catalog:

Testing the client software

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